Finding cheaters with k-mers

This semester I'm teaching Perl 6 to beginners. On a recent homework, student A came to see me for help, so I pretty much wrote the script (if you come for help, you get help!). With every assignment, I provide a "test.pl6" script that lets the students know if they will pass. I stress that they don't need to code for edge cases -- just look to pass the test suite. Well, two students, B and C, copied student A, changed a variable name, and submitted.

If I had only checked for passing tests, I wouldn't have noticed, but I like to see how different students try to solve the problems. I'm often pleasantly surprised as a couple of students have some programming background and try to really use the language's strengths. On this occasion, I was disappointed to find that student's B and C (who have little prior coding experience) had turned in my own code.

I thought about how I might automatically detect such cheating because this isn't something a "diff" would catch. We do loads in our lab (Hurwitz Lab, University of Arizona) with k-mers which are "all the possible substrings of length k that are contained in a string" ( Just knowing that some number of kmers are shared between any two scripts isn't enough. I need to know if it's significantly more than some baseline which I'll default to the mean of all shared kmers for all pairings of the files in a directory. I then iterate over all combinations and use Student's t-test ( to find how many standard deviations is the number of shared kmers and report if it's suspiciously high (I default to 5SD, but I found the offenders were >16).

There are loads of things I like about this implementation (apart from the fact that it works). I love being able to get all pair-wise combinations with the "combinations(2) methods of arrays. Bags and Sets make my life so much easier for easy histograms and membership, respectively. I think it's fun to use Unicode characters like in the "std-dev" sub where I square values using a superscript-2.

So, I hope you find this useful. Comments are welcome. I share to help others learn and to learn myself.

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

subset PosInt of Int where * > 0;

sub MAIN (PosInt :$k=5, PosInt :$max-sd=5, *@files) {
die "No files" unless @files;
my @bags = map { find-kmers(+$k, $_) }, @files;
my %counts;
for (1..@bags.elems).combinations(2) -> ($i, $j) {
my $bag1 = @bags[$i-1];
my $bag2 = @bags[$j-1];
my $s1 = $bag1.Set;
my $s2 = $bag2.Set;
my @union = ($s1 (&) $s2).keys;
my $count = (map { $bag1{ $_ } }, @union)
+ (map { $bag2{ $_ } }, @union);
%counts{"$i-$j"} = $count;

my @n = %counts.values;
my $mu = mean @n;
my $sd = std-dev @n;

for %counts.kv -> $pair, $kmers {
my $t = ($kmers - $mu) / ($sd/(@n.elems).sqrt);
if $t.abs > $max-sd {
my ($i, $j) = $pair.split('-');
my $f1 = @files[$i-1].IO.basename;
my $f2 = @files[$j-1].IO.basename;
put "$pair ($kmers) = $t [$f1, $f2]";

sub find-kmers (Int $k, Str $file) {
my $text = $' ')
.subst(/:i <-[a..z\s]>/, '', :g).subst(/\s+/, ' ');
$text.comb.rotor($k => -1 * ($k - 1)).map(*.join).Bag;

sub mean (*@n) { @n.sum / @n.elems }

sub std-dev (*@n) {
my $mean = mean(@n);
my @dev = map { ($_ - $mean)² }, @n;
my $var = @dev.sum / @dev.elems;
return $var.sqrt;

Here's what it looked like when I ran it (names changed to protect the innocent):

$ ./kmer-counter.pl6 ~/cheaters/*.pl6
6-7 (198) = 16.7509504018028 [s5.pl6, s6.pl6]
2-5 (136) = 5.19428580708723 [s10.pl6, s4.pl6]
1-9 (74) = -6.36237878762838 [s1.pl6, s8.pl6]
5-10 (142) = 6.31267270335003 [s4.pl6, s9.pl6]
3-9 (80) = -5.24399189136558 [s2.pl6, s8.pl6]
2-10 (148) = 7.43105959961283 [s10.pl6, s9.pl6]
4-10 (142) = 6.31267270335003 [s3.pl6, s9.pl6]
7-8 (74) = -6.36237878762838 [s6.pl6, s7.pl6]
3-8 (76) = -5.98958315554078 [s2.pl6, s7.pl6]
6-10 (178) = 13.0229940809268 [s5.pl6, s9.pl6]
4-7 (208) = 18.6149285622408 [s3.pl6, s6.pl6]
4-6 (208) = 18.6149285622408 [s3.pl6, s5.pl6]
8-9 (72) = -6.73517441971598 [s7.pl6, s8.pl6]
2-8 (66) = -7.85356131597878 [s10.pl6, s7.pl6]
1-8 (60) = -8.97194821224158 [s1.pl6, s7.pl6]
5-9 (78) = -5.61678752345318 [s4.pl6, s8.pl6]
5-8 (68) = -7.48076568389118 [s4.pl6, s7.pl6]
$ ./kmer-counter.pl6 --max-sd=16 ~/cheaters/*.pl6
6-7 (198) = 16.7509504018028 [s5.pl6, s6.pl6]
4-7 (208) = 18.6149285622408 [s3.pl6, s6.pl6]
4-6 (208) = 18.6149285622408 [s3.pl6, s5.pl6]

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About Ken Youens-Clark

user-pic I work for Dr. Bonnie Hurwitz at the University of Arizona where I use Perl quite a bit in bioinformatics and metagenomics. I am also trying to write a book at Comments welcome.