To evolve or not to evolve?

What would you do when you try to improve the development process and it seems not to work for months?

Small tasks, (and not so small) and everybody is in a hurry to solve the next one and does not want to see the big picture, which is:

If we share code (via - o no! - a code repository) and reuse code via CPAN (o no again!), inheritance and OOP (o no, what the!..) and it really looks like you hinder the work of colleagues if you try to explain something more than "this regular expression"?... Yet you are supposed to do so...

At the end of the day the business people want results and do not want to accept the simple truth that there is accumulated technical debt for years...

I may be simply frustrated, but it is still hard to get it.
How would you manage this?
I really would like to hear some opinions...

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About Krasimir Berov

user-pic Perl and Bulgarian are my native languages. I naturally read and understand most Slavic languages like Russian, Serbian and recently Czech... as well as I write JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL...