Perl Weekly Challenge 98: Read N-Characters and Search Insert Position
These are some answers to the Week 98 of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.
Task 1: Read N-characters
You are given file $FILE
Create subroutine readN($FILE, $number)
that returns the first n-characters and moves the pointer to the (n+1)th character.
Input: Suppose the file (input.txt) contains "1234567890"
print readN("input.txt", 4); # returns "1234"
print readN("input.txt", 4); # returns "5678"
print readN("input.txt", 4); # returns "90"
Read N-characters in Raku
This is my first attempt:
use v6;
my $input = @*ARGS[0] // "I_have_a_dream.txt";
given $ {
for 0..2 -> $num {
my $n = (1..10).pick;
say "Taking $n characters: ", .readchars: $n;
Using Martin Luther King's 1963 famous "I have a dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington as an input file, I obtain the following output:
$ raku read_n_chars.raku
Taking 3 characters: I a
Taking 3 characters: m h
Taking 4 characters: appy
$ raku read_n_chars.raku
Taking 3 characters: I a
Taking 5 characters: m hap
Taking 9 characters: py to joi
However, my understanding of the challenge is that, maybe, Mohammad S. Anwar wanted us to implement an iterator, rather than using a Raku built-in subroutines implementing such iterators.
To do that, I wrote a create-iter
subroutine iterating over the file contents:
use v6;
my $input = @*ARGS[0] // "I_have_a_dream.txt";
sub create-iter ($file-in) {
my $counter = 0;
my $content = $file-in.IO.slurp;
return sub (Int $length) {
my $out = substr $content, $counter, $length;
$counter += $length;
return $out;
my &iterator = create-iter $input;
for 0..2 -> $num {
my $n = (1..10).pick;
say "Taking $n characters: ", &iterator($n);
Example output:
$ raku read_n_chars2.raku
Taking 8 characters: I am hap
Taking 6 characters: py to
Taking 9 characters: join with
Read N-characters in Perl
This is a Perl implementation of the first Raku program above:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
my $input = shift // "I_have_a_dream.txt";
open my $IN, "<", $input or die "Cannot open $input $!";
for my $n (4..7) {
say "Taking $n characters: ", map getc $IN, 1..$n;
Example output:
$ perl
Taking 4 characters: I am
Taking 5 characters: happ
Taking 6 characters: y to j
Taking 7 characters: oin wit
And here is a solution implementing an iterator:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
sub create_iter {
my $input = shift;
my $counter = 0;
open my $IN, '<', $input or die "Couldn't open $input $!";
local $/ = undef; # enabling "slurping mode"
my $content = <$IN>; # slurping the file
return sub {
my $length = shift;
my $out = substr $content, $counter, $length;
$counter += $length;
return $out;
my $in = shift // "I_have_a_dream.txt";
my $iterator = create_iter $in;
for my $n (3..5) {
say "Taking $n characters: ", $iterator->($n);
Task 21: Search Insert Position
You are given a sorted array of distinct integers @N
and a target $N
Write a script to return the index of the given target if found otherwise place the target in the sorted array and return the index.
Example 1:
Input: @N = (1, 2, 3, 4) and $N = 3
Output: 2 since the target 3 is in the array at the index 2.
Example 2:
Input: @N = (1, 3, 5, 7) and $N = 6
Output: 3 since the target 6 is missing and should be placed at the index 3.
Example 3:
Input: @N = (12, 14, 16, 18) and $N = 10
Output: 0 since the target 10 is missing and should be placed at the index 0.
Example 4:
Input: @N = (11, 13, 15, 17) and $N = 19
Output: 4 since the target 19 is missing and should be placed at the index 4.
Search Insert Position in Raku
This is a simple implementation in Raku:
use v6;
my @tests = [3, < 1 2 3 4>],
[6, < 1 3 5 7>],
[10, <12 14 16 18>],
[19, <11 13 15 17>];
for @tests -> $test {
say $test.gist.fmt("%-20s:\t"), find_insert-pos ($test);
sub find_insert-pos ($test) {
my $target = $test[0];
my @array = |$test[1];
for 0..@array.end -> $i {
return $i if @array[$i] >= $target;
return @array.end + 1;
$ raku search_insert_pos.raku
[3 (1 2 3 4)] : 2
[6 (1 3 5 7)] : 3
[10 (12 14 16 18)] : 0
[19 (11 13 15 17)] : 4
This implementation is somewhat inefficient when the input data is large. I made a better binary search implementation, but I am so late that I can't really present it.
Search Insert Position in Perl
Update: I was so late when I originally posted this that I did not have time to include the Perl program for this task. Here it is:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature "say";
my @tests = ( [3, qw < 1 2 3 4>],
[6, qw < 1 3 5 7>],
[10, qw <12 14 16 18>],
[19, qw <11 13 15 17>],
for my $test (@tests) {
say "$test->[0], @{$test}[1..@{$test}-1]: ", find_insert_pos ($test);
sub find_insert_pos {
my ($target, @array) = @{$_[0]};
for my $i (0..$#array) {
return $i if $array[$i] >= $target;
return $#array + 1;
$ perl
3, 1 2 3 4: 2
6, 1 3 5 7: 3
10, 12 14 16 18: 0
19, 11 13 15 17: 4
Search Insert Position in Python
This is a port to Python of the Raku and Perl programs above:
def find_insert_pos(target, list):
for i in range(len(list)):
if list[i] >= target:
return i
return len(list)
in_list = [1, 3, 5, 7]
for j in range (8):
print('Target: ', j, '->', find_insert_pos(j, in_list))
$ python3
Target: 0 -> 0
Target: 1 -> 0
Target: 2 -> 1
Target: 3 -> 1
Target: 4 -> 2
Target: 5 -> 2
Target: 6 -> 3
Target: 7 -> 3
Wrapping up
The next week Perl Weekly Challenge will start soon. If you want to participate in this challenge, please check and make sure you answer the challenge before 23:59 BST (British summer time) on Sunday, February 14, 2021. And, please, also spread the word about the Perl Weekly Challenge if you can.
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