Backing up with Dackup

I do backup... but as I'm sure with most other people, it's probably not enough.

As a Mac user I've been relying on TimeMachine for a while now and it is fantastic.

For my unix based stuff I then use git or svn and rely on my laptop having a checkout as well as a set being on the server (and the server does some backups as well).

But the main issue is it's lots of bits of "It will probably be ok" and "I'm fine if it's a hardware failure". But this doesn't cover the "what if my house burned down" type scenarios.

So anyway, with the scene set... I started thinking I needed offsite backup for everything. A service (or services) where I can upload everything to and then not worry about it.

Enter Dackup, I can upload to Amazons S3, or Rackspace's CloudFiles, or to another server over SSH, or another disk over Filesystem.

I'm already using Amazon's S3 for some stuff, so this seemed the easiest.

I followed the example and other than having to create the bucket first (I'll be submitting a doc patch) it worked like a charm.

I can even use the Amazon S3 Firefox Organizer plugin to browse the files if I wanted. I actually used this to create the bucket I needed earlier.

I could get fancy with daily/weekly/monthly backups (just changing the prefix on the destination), but that's over kill (I do use version control and have TimeMachine).

I decided on Dackup over Brackup because it's very clean and simple, Brackup is still being updated, but there don't seem to be many releases at the moment. Having said that Brackup does offer some more advanced features such as content encryption.

So... what are you waiting for... go backup!

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About Ranguard

user-pic London Perl developer