July 2010 Archives

For speakers at Perl conferences...


Please record your own presentations...

What do I mean by this? - Over the last 10 years I've given half a dozen or so presentations at conferences, each time someone sets up a video recorder and I think 'great lots of people will hear me present this' (I upload the slides, but it's never the same). Unfortunately each time the work it takes to organise and sort these videos mean they never get uploaded anywhere (have you tried video editing? - it's REALLY slow & hard work).

So, this year (in addition to anything others have organised) I'm going to record my own pre…

Perl.com - initial relaunch

http://www.perl.com/ has been relaunched! - VERY basic at the moment, but this is the start.

Tom (who owns the Domain) and O'Reilly (who's strong support of Perl over the years has helped make it such a great language) have been kind enough to let the TPF take on Editorial control and the site has now joined the Perl.org family.

As you can see initially we've ported the existing content over (but still need to link it all in to make it easy to find) - Chromatic aims to have a least on post a week a…

About Ranguard

user-pic London Perl developer