Impressions from the German Perl Workshop 2019

Another edition of the German Perl Workshop took place in Munich from 6th to 8th March 2019. I very much enjoyed taking part. Let me share some personal remarks.

Things I learned

  • I’ll replace my OpenSSL CLI recipes by IO::Socket::SSL::Utils calls. Thanks Steffen.
  • A developer team will benefit from a graphic artist and vice versa, reported Daniel from Coocook.
  • Perl 6 has some interesting idioms harnessing concurrency. Jonathan vivdly presented react and supply blocks.
  • Lars, on the other hand, brought up serious issues with the documentation of Perl 6 grammar semantics.
  • One can put job candidates at ease by giving them a horrible but unrelated task first. They’ll be so glad when they’re done that they’ll forget their anxiety.
  • Some analogue cameras can do things digital image processing can’t. Single shots taking hours to take can be an artist’s delight.
  • It is nice to present women with flowers on the occasion of International Women’s Day, although it would be nicer if there were so many women among us attendees of a technical conference to make that impractical.
  • The fossil Act website is alive after all. Improvements include TLS and an URL summarizing all talk resources.
  • Bringing a tablet instead of a notebook was a bad idea. Module installation ate most of the time I otherwise would have spent fancily illustrating my slides.
  • Bringing a Brompton bike, however, turned out exceptionally well. Munich is just the place to annoy car drivers and pedestrians alike. Not me anymore!
  • Elementary knowledge of mathematics is lacking in many places. I found The Worst Pie Chart Ever in a brochure from some recruiting company (see below). They divide 100% into parts of 61% + 79% + 94%, and show that 61% clearly is more than 79%. Ugh.
  • A propos recruiting, contrary to some language popularity rankings, the job market for Perl programmers seems remarkably stable.

100 = 234

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