The Perl Conference - Glasgow 2018 - A summary

I was lucky enough to attend TPC 2018 (my first perl conference), mostly because it was in Glasgow, my home town. This was a very busy week, the conference started on the first day of school (ever for my kids!) so I was late every day :P I met a lot of great people, some all too briefly, and learned a lot of interesting things through conversation, unrelated to the talks below.

Here are some of the talks I really enjoyed (in no particular order) and would recommend watching when the individual videos are up (at which point I'll update the links below).

One of my take away actions came out of a discussion following 'Reading CPAN / Finding Modules', regarding cpanratings and issues impacting it's usefulness. However it is going to be replaced by functionality on MetaCPAN, so I need to catch up with what's going on there. For the other items on the 'to do' list I'll hopefully have time to work on them soon.

Special thanks to all the volunteers who worked very hard to keep things running smoothly, and thanks again to liz, my kids love the stickers.

Previously posted at perlmonks.

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About Martin McGrath

user-pic Likes to use perl to solve problems