November 2011 Archives

Help Test::Builder 1.5

To keep myself focused on getting a feature complete Test::Builder 1.5 out this month, I've been writing down non-critical tasks rather than doing them myself. Refactorings, documentation and interface fixups. They're helpfully categorized:

  • Easy are things which are easy.
  • Gardening are refactorings and other cleanups.
  • Docs are for documentation.

If you'd like to help, I'd love the help. There's plenty to do for everybody. Our preferred workflow is laid out and pretty easy to follow. There's a design document to give you an overview of what's going on, though it is out of date in places.

The End Of 5.6 Is Nigh!

It's that time again! Time when I hammer the last few nails in the coffin of a version of Perl. A few years back, I killed 5.004 and 5.005 in a stroke by uping the minimum version of Test::More, upon which 80% of CPAN relies, from 5.004 to 5.6.0. In a few months I'll be doing it again.

About Michael G Schwern

user-pic Ya know, the guy who tells you to write tests and not use MakeMaker.