CPAN Pull Request: Mission (Im)possible 2018

I remember the first distribution Plack::Middleware::Session, I received after joining the "Pull Request Challenge" by Neil Bowers in the January 2015. I was so nervous thinking about what to do with the distribution that I have never used before. I didn't want to embarrass myself in the very first month of the challenge. Somehow I prepared my first PR #25 and received positive response from the author. I must admit that the first year of PRC was very tough for me. I could only just manage to submit atleast one PR against each allocated distribution. One particular month, September 2015, was little different where I submitted 5 PR and they were all accepted by Gabor. At the end year 2015, I became confident with PR and started looking forward to each month distribution eagerly. At this point, I started my personal mission to do more than just one PR each month. First I thought I would do 1 PR each week on average, which I did, to some extent, managed to pull it through out the year 2016. At the start of year 2017, I challenged myself if I can do one PR each day on average. It was really hard to acheive, I must admit. However I did manage to do that in 6 months. In a way, I was happy with the result but not content with.
So this year 2018, I made a resolution to not miss a single month. So far at the end of April 2018, I have been successfull. I have managed to submit 1 PR per day on average every month so far. I am hoping to keep the momentum and finish the year 2018 with flying colors.

Stats for year 2018 so far:
January: 35
February: 31
March: 33
April: 43

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About Mohammad S Anwar

user-pic CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Father of 3 angels. Indian by birth, British by choice.