Daily CPAN upload: 600 days
Today is a very special day for me, why? I have now completed 600th day daily upload to CPAN. So what is the big deal? Honestly speaking it is not. Having said that I enjoyed playing this CPAN Game and would like to continue as long as possible. Where did it all started? Well it was one of the blog by Neil Bowers that inspired me and introduced to the fun game. At that I point, I only had handful of modules to work with. I knew I needed lots of distributions to get me going. Nearly a year later, Barbie blog about his completion of one year of daily CPAN upload.
CPAN Regular Releasers - Current Chains
Barbie, in his blog gave few advise how to survive in this game. It was very handy. I followed his advise and carried on for more than 1000 days. In fact, during my India visit, I missed a day and that's how it got discontinued at the end of 1027 days. But I didn't stop there, I started again the very next day. Today I reached 600th day of daily CPAN upload. I am aiming to go past my own record. So how many days left to break the record? Technically 428 days i.e. approximate 15 months more. It is still a long way but I am determined to get there.
CPAN Regular Releasers - All-time Chains
Recently concluded German Perl Workshop, Renee Baecker talked about the CPAN games. Unfortunately he stopped at the end of 76 days. At least he made it to the top 10 "All-time" chains. One hacker, who always stood with in this game through out is "PERLANCAR". Well he also stopped play daily game at the end of 81 days but luckily still playing weekly game. There is one hacker that no one can beat in the near future is "Dave Rolsky". Currently he is at the top in the monthly game (219 months). Similary one more person, "Karen Etheridge", who is leading the weekly game (370 weeks). I doubt if they even know about it.
Wish me luck :-)
Good luck!