Late Weekly challenge 67 #1 only

I wrote some library to make combination in 2013.
I was overwhelming when I found this challenge but I found that it is buggy !!!

I think that finding combination isn't necessarily written using recursive calling.
so this is my first "working" solution.

it is possible to use some list of words (ex) "a", "b", "c" ) instead of number.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level:4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013,2020 JEON Myoungjin 

use strict; use warnings;

package List::Selection::Combination;
#use Carp qw(croak);
#use version 0.77 our $VERSION = version->declare( '0.1.3' );

sub make_combination_no_recursive ( $$ ) {
my $N = $_[0]; # number of selection
my @elements = @{ $_[1] }; # reference !!!
my $M = scalar @elements;

my @result;

# minimum sanity check
if ( $M < $N ) {
warn "unable to choose $N from given selection of $M";
return ();

my ( @room, # number of spaces(rooms) each finger can move
@pos, # current position of finger
$next_id # of finger to move

# set initial values ...
# each finger can move to right number of ( M-N ) space(s).
@room = ( $M-$N ) x $N;
@pos = 0..($N - 1);
$next_id = $N - 1; # id starts from zero
# initial record; note: use not index number but real value
push @result, [ map { $elements[$_] } @pos ];
#print "@pos\n";

if ( $room[$next_id] > 0 ) {
# can move to right so .. do it.
# and make a record
push @result, [ map { $elements[$_] } @pos ];
#print "@pos\n";
else {
# no more room to move
# so find the next finger to move.
my $found = 0;
for ( my $i = $next_id; $i > 0; --$i ) {
if ( $room[ $i-1 ] > 0 ) {
$next_id = $i-1;
$found = 1;

if ( $found ) {
#move all the fingers which are starts from $next_id to last one
@pos[ $next_id..($N-1) ]
= ( $pos[$next_id]+1 ) ..( $pos[$next_id] + ($N-$next_id) );
@room[ $next_id..($N-1) ] # note: all finger has same room
= ( $room[ $next_id ] - 1 ) x ( $N - $next_id );
# and make a record
push @result, [ map { $elements[$_] } @pos ];
#print "@pos\n";

# next finger to move will be ($N-1)
# or will find next loop;
$next_id = ($N-1);

redo; # if we can move next finger
return @result;

package main;

my $m = shift // 5;
my $n = shift // 2;

my @result = List::Selection::Combination::make_combination_no_recursive
( $n, [ 1..$m ] );

for my $r (@result) {
print "@r\n";

below code is almost same as above but assume use only digits.
and in format the challenge wants me to do.

# -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level:4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013,2020 JEON Myoungjin

use strict; use warnings;
#use feature qw /say/;

package List::Selection::Combination;
#use Carp qw(croak);
#use version 0.77 our $VERSION = version->declare( '0.1.3' );

sub print_combination_no_recursive ( $$ ) {
my $N = $_[0]; # number of selection
my @elements = @{ $_[1] }; # reference !!!
my $M = scalar @elements;

local $" = ",";

if ( $M < $N ) {
warn "unable to choose $N from given selection of $M";
return ();

print "[ ";
my ( @room, # number of spaces(rooms) each finger can move
@pos, # current position of finger
$next_id # of finger to move

@room = ( $M-$N ) x $N;
@pos = 1..$N;
$next_id = $N - 1; # id starts from zero
print "[@pos]";

if ( $room[$next_id] > 0 ) {
print ", [@pos]";
else {
my $found = 0;
for ( my $i = $next_id; $i > 0; --$i ) {
if ( $room[ $i-1 ] > 0 ) {
$next_id = $i-1;
$found = 1;

if ( $found ) {
@pos[ $next_id..($N-1) ]
= ( $pos[$next_id]+1 ) ..( $pos[$next_id] + ($N-$next_id) );
@room[ $next_id..($N-1) ]
= ( $room[ $next_id ] - 1 ) x ( $N - $next_id );
print ", [@pos]";

$next_id = ($N-1);

print " ]";

package main;

my $m = shift // 5;
my $n = shift // 2;

( $n, [ 1..$m ] );

and performance is quite excellent.

time perl 100 5 | wc -l

Executed in 34.37 secs fish external
usr time 34.98 secs 906.00 micros 34.98 secs
sys time 2.19 secs 105.00 micros 2.19 secs

I'm a chef and haven't got enough time to code these days.
but this kind of challenge makes me feel alive.


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About Myoungjin Jeon

user-pic JG's blog for perl (-; I'm a chef and enjoying coding for my life.