You're not too late for the CPAN Pull Request Challenge
The CPAN Pull Request Challenge has now been running for half a year. Hundreds of people have done pull requests on CPAN distributions. Many have fallen by the wayside, as life and other distractions caught up with them, but more than 50 are still in the game. If you haven't tried it yet, it's not too late — you can sign up any time before 31st December.
Each month participants are mailed a CPAN distribution, and have a month to submit at least one pull request. You might fix a bug, improve the documentation, boost the test coverage, or something else. Completing one month's assignment gets you entry into the following month's "draw" (though if you're busy, you can skip the current month, and get the next month's assignment anyway).
To join in, all your need to to is:
- Email me your github username.
- Let me know your PAUSE id, if you have one. This isn't required, but if you have one I need to ensure I don't assign any of your own dists to you.
My email address is neil at bowers dot com.
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