I know why "date" and "time" are in there, but I suspect it's not common for most folks.
~ $ history | awk {'print $2'} | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -rn | head
255 git
174 fg
108 vim
79 prove
58 ack
56 cd
51 ls
42 time
41 rm
31 date
And yes, ppdflatex (its a wrapper).
1342 ls 960 cd 854 svn 537 ssh 383 less 323 man 319 gvim 278 apt-cache 176 rm 159 perl
.. on my work machine. I suspect I more lines of history (10,000) than you... Also, I have ignoredups on, so that may affect the stats.
$ history|perl -nle'$c{((split)[1])}++}{@c=sort{$c{$b}<=>$c{$a}}keys%c;printf"%7d %s\n",$c{$c[$]},$c[$]for 0..9' 96 ll 54 cd 35 perldoc 34 ls 30 pmfind 30 more 23 gvim 22 perl 22 man 19 find
xisandexit is actually an alias for 'startx & exit' that I type every day uppon login :P
Hooray for navel gazing! =)
Yes, thats alias vi='vim', and "s" is a little script I use to save keystrokes when SSH'ing between various accounts at work.
It says a lot about my workflow :-)
Here is my list:
Fun! I can't help but notice that most of you are not actually running perl all that much :)
dqd is an alias for psql.
@Jurgen: actually, I almost exclusively run Perl directly from vim, so it would almost be surprising to see it in my list :)
There's an emacs joke somewhere in there, I think. But modesty forbids ...
is an alias tols -l
.This is, however, not at all representative of my actual history. At any time I have a bunch of long-running gnome-terminal tabs open, and each of those have their own history. So the output depends on which terminal I ran the pipeline in.
didn't show up in the list as I have it running all the time and hardly ever close and restart it. If I did that, it would easily be at the top of the list.