Better reporting for your test suite
It's very poorly documented, but Test::Class::Moose also has reporting built in.
Here's how diag()
all test classes from slowest to fastest, with time information:
use Test::Most;
use Test::Class::Moose::Load 't/lib'; # assumes your T:C:M tests are here
my $test_suite = Test::Class::Moose->new;
my $report = $test_suite->test_reporting;
# sort from slowest to fastest
my @classes =
sort { $b->time->real <=> $a->time->real } $report->all_test_classes;
foreach my $class (@classes) {
my $name = $class->name;
my $duration = $class->time->duration; # a human-readable version
diag "$name runtime: $duration";
You can do that at a test method level, too. Plus, the time is broken down into system, user, and real time.