ZipRecruiter Wants You

By now I'm sure that some of you have heard about ZipRecruiter, the job board startup that recently picked up $63 million dollars in funding and whose backend is written almost entirely in Perl using DBIx::Class, Catalyst, Template Toolkit. And they use sqitch for sane database management.

You'll probably recognize some of the names of people who work with them. Randal Schwartz has been consulting with them for a year. Mark Jason Dominus works there and has released some nifty open source software he wrote for them and while I don't claim to be as talented as Randal or Mark, I have been consulting there for a while now. It's huge amounts of fun. There are also tons of men and women who aren't as publicly involved in tech communities who are nonetheless very talented.

They're growing like mad and hiring for quite a few positions. And yes, they need Perl developers (and Python, and Javascript, and, and, and ...). And they do allow remote work.

Aside from the benefits they list in working there, here are some that I know readers of this blog will appreciate:

  • They're happy to hear new ideas
  • They love it when people write tests
  • They love to see refactoring to cleaner designs

I might add that when they picked up that $63 million in funding, they were already very profitable and are still growing like mad.Come join us and tell 'em I sent you (note: I don't get any perks for this. I just like the company and want to help Perl devs, too).


they do allow remote work

Completely or is occasional physical presence a requirement?

That's more detail than before, and useful to me. Thanks. :)

About Ovid

user-pic Freelance Perl/Testing/Agile consultant and trainer. See for our services. If you have a problem with Perl, we will solve it for you. And don't forget to buy my book!