Improved DBIx::Class usage with arbitrary SQL
A few months ago I write about using arbitrary SQL to generate DBIx::Class resultsets. These DBIx::Class::Report resultsets are read-only, but I found that I needed to add additional methods to each result and now I can. This makes the software much more flexible.
I had a case for Veure where I needed to be able to create dialogs for NPCs, but I also needed to track whether a dialog had been "completed" for a given character (so as to not present the same dialog again and have people walk every dialog branch). This means that the dialog
table needs to fetch dialogs for a given NPC, but ensure that the dialog_completed
table doesn't have an entry for that dialog, for a given player. That's a bit tricky with DBIx::Class
, but with DBIx::Class::Report
, it's trivial.
However, DBIx::Class::Report
was returning raw data and I needed to "inflate" some data to make it useful. Thus, you can now attach methods to individual result objects. They look like this:
my $sql = <<'SQL';
SELECT dialog.dialog_id,
conversation as _conversation
FROM dialog
LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_dialogs ON completed_dialogs.dialog_id = dialog.dialog_id
WHERE dialog.character_id = ?
AND dialog.dialog_id NOT IN (
SELECT dialog_id
FROM completed_dialogs
WHERE character_id = ?
my $npc_id = $npc->character_id;
my $report = DBIx::Class::Report->new(
schema => $self->result_source->schema,
sql => $sql,
columns =>
[qw/ dialog_id name slug available character_id _conversation /],
methods => {
character => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->result_source->schema->resultset('Character')
conversation => sub {
my $self = shift;
return JSON->new->decode( $self->_conversation );
return $report->fetch( $npc_id, $character->character_id );
And in the actual code, you can use the results just like a full-blown read-only dbic class, including getting a data structure instead of raw JSON, and calling $result->character
to get the NPC object instead of just the ID. The read-only part might frustrate some, but for how our mechanics work internally, having a "read-only" resultset works out nicely here.
Sounds interesting. Since reports tend to become long, does it support paged results (like normal result sets ) ? Rolf
Rolf: it should support pages results since resultsets are chainable. I confess I haven't tried it, though :)
So I tried it and it works. Very good ! Rolf
I have to thank you for
. It helped quite a bit when I was trying to do some fairly nasty things with DBIC.It's the base I use for a fairly complex report where I need to use a derived table, but I want that derived table to have DBIC relations. First I create the report, then I programmatically add all the might_have/belongs_to/has_one relationships to the derived table resultset, and then I can use the ResultSet just as if it had been statically defined, and access row relations the same way.
I played with trying to fold the capabilities into
itself for a while so I could send a pull request, but I couldn't come up with an API that wasn't unwieldy and confusing enough to make it worthwhile. :/