Adding profiling support to nqp-js
Currently the focus of the work on the js backend is on making nqp-js emit code that runs at a reasonable speed (so that compiling Rakudo and its setting doesn't take eons and I can iterate on it more easily). Being able to easily profile nqp-js code is very useful for that.
The js profilers I have tried didn't work out so well
- devtools had trouble with native modules as it runs in
- running directly inside chrome require webpacking
- node-inspector didn't support console.profile/console.profileEnd and it's interface locked up while profiling
- some other ones were bitrotted
Saving data using v8-profiler and loading it via chrome itself proved to work the best
The run_profiled($what, $kind, $filename)
method of the backend passed to the HLL::Compiler proved to be a good fit for hooking it up
On the MoarVM backend $kind is either 'instrumented' or 'heap'.
'instrumented' is useful for profiling CPU usage and 'heap' for memory usage.
For now I implemented only CPU profiling on the js backend so on the js backend the $kind is ignored for know.
The profiling is exposed by the --profile-compile (which profiles the compilation of the code) and --profile (which profiles the code itself) options.
node nqp-bootstrapped.js --profile-compile --profile-filename literals.cpuprofile t/nqp/001-literals.t
literals.cpuprofile can be then loaded using the developer tools in Chrome.
The first test file of which compilation I profiled was t/nqp/001-literals.t repeated 20 times.
It turned out removing some debugging leftovers cut the compilation roughly in half.
A bunch of other promising stuff I'll work on next also popped up.
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