Day 24: Games!
About the series: perlancar's 2014 Advent Calendar: Introduction to a selection of 24 modules which I published in 2014. Table of contents.
I'll close this series by mentioning that in August I created a few simple text-based games: Games::WordGuess, Games::Hangman, Games::ArrangeNumber. The reason I did this originally was because I got sick of playing word guess/hangman on Android with English words, and there doesn't seem to be any support for Indonesian version. So I found out about Games::Word::Wordlist::* modules on CPAN, uploaded a couple of Indonesian wordlists, and had to write a couple of games for using the wordlists too, since there happened to be no text-based hangman game or word guessing either on CPAN at that time).
I've always sucked at interface/interactive things though, so I welcome any patches/pull requests for improving the gameplay. I've got a couple more ideas for simple games, but lost interest after a few days, so those ideas will still remain in the backburner for now.
Creating this advent calendar has been a bit of fun. I've limited myself to spending only around 10-30 minutes for each minipost. I write 2-3 articles in one sitting, and schedule them to be published 3-6 days ahead. That works well with my schedule, mood, and writing ability. (I used to contribute to an Indonesian computer magazine which required me to come up with a full-page article each month. After a while I got burned out because, even with the low frequency of once a month, having to come up with the idea, researching the material, and writing the actual article require spending at least 4-6 hours per article which disrupt my daily workflow.)
Were I to do another series in the future, I would need to improve the tools. Currently I write in an Org document using Emacs, and I hand-write all those HTML links without bothering to create any macros/functions (oh the many "http"'s and "" I've typed in or copy-pasted).
Ideas for other series so far (which I may or may not do): Advent articles in 2015 on CPAN modules I first wrote in 2013 (going retroactive!), a daily step-by-step tutorial series on creating CLI applications with Perinci::CmdLine, CPAN modules which I published then removed.
Last but not least, merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone. Thanks for reading and giving feedback.
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