CPAN as publishing platform

There are quite a bit of modules on CPAN that does not really contain code, but have content/data as their raison d'être. On a more "serious" note there are things like Games::Word::Wordlist::*. Then there are also "less serious" things like Acme::CPANAuthors.

Recently some PerlMongers::* modules have also been uploaded to CPAN (a couple of examples). They mostly contain a POD with a bunch of links to respective PM group's website, meetup page, IRC channel, and so on. Which got me thinking whether Acme::IAm::$CPANID is a good idea (probably not): sorta like your homepage on CPAN, where an author would introduce (him|her)self and post links to (his|her) website or whatnot. Perhaps even a picture or two.

I have a few other ideas for (abusing|misusing) CPAN as a content publishing platform. Why not? It's mirrored all over the globe, has lots of tools associated with it, you can search with, grep with Your content is automatically tested, past versions are archived.

Anyway, just some random idea. Back to our regular programming.

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