July 2012 Archives

Bugfix in Name Input

Perlybook.org is now available in version 0.13.

This fixes a bug, concerning some input like e.g. Log::Log4perl.
Because MetaCPAN's autocompletion was used to match user-input to something valid, you always got an ebook about Tie:…

Popular ebooks on perlybook.org in week 29/2012

Here are the most popular ebooks from Jul 16 2012 to Jul 22 2012:


  1. Dancer

  2. DBI

  3. AnyEvent-RFXCOM

  4. Prima

  5. libnet

  6. perl

  7. Net-Server

  8. Mojolicious

  9. CGI.pm

  10. What

Popular ebooks on perlybook.org in week 27/2012

Here are the most popular ebooks from Jul 2 2012 to Jul 8 2012:


  1. Moo

  1. Moose

  2. Mojolicious

  3. Net-SSH

  4. Meta

  5. Plack

  6. WebService-Google-Reader

  7. Poet


  9. ppt

  10. App-cpanminus

Popular ebooks on perlybook.org in week 26/2012

Here are the most popular ebooks from Jun 25 2012 to Jul 1 2012:


  1. Excel-Writer-XLSX


  1. Moose

  2. Mojolicious

  3. AnyEvent

  4. Padre-Plugin-RunPerlExternal

  5. DBIx-Class

  6. Catalyst-Manual

  7. AnyEvent-RFXCOM

  8. MooseX-IOC

  9. Template-Toolkit

  10. Catalyst-Runtime

  11. /users/perlybook/2012/07/index.html

About perlybook

user-pic This is about perlybook, a webservice that lets you create Perl module documentation in ebook formats.