August 2012 Archives

Devel::Trepan 0.31 release

A new release of Devel::Trepan is out there.

A number of changes were the result of problems found in writing the various debugger blogs and in preparing for a little local NY Perl Mongers meeting.

Possibly there will be one more debugger blog on stepping.

Location, Location, Location

By way of explanation...

In preparing this and my previous blogs, I have noticed aspects where Devel::Trepan could be improved. For this blog, I discovered when comparing Devel::Trepan output with that from a recent perl5db that perl5db sometimes prints several lines of output to try to show a full Perl statement. Devel::Trepan prints a single line — normal in command-line debuggers. However, do see the set auto list command.

As I've done in preparing ="http://blogs.per…

To gdb or not to gdb?

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

Spoiler alert: the answer is 1 or true

Before delving back in the next planned blog post of another important nuts-and-bolts Devel::Trepan topic — position and status information — I'd like to take a step back and talk a little bit philosophical like I …

Devel::Trepan Debugger evaluation of Perl statements

In the last blog, I started describing features that are new in Devel::Trepan that aren't in perl5db. Here I will continue with one more: the evaluation aspects of the debugger REPL (read, eval, and print loop).

By default, when you type something that isn't a debugger command the debugger just tries to evaluate the string you gave it. If what you typed w…

Devel::Trepan Debugger command aliases and command completion

In my first blog I described why I wrote a new debugger for Perl and how the rewrite helps me add cool features more easily. Here I'll start to describe the cool features of this debugger. To my knowledge, all of the features described below are not in perl5db.

As mentioned in the last blog, this debugger follows gdb conventions. One implication then is that commands follow the gdb names and thus are no longer limited to one (or two) characters. But you …

About rockyb

user-pic I blog about Perl.