August 2010 Archives

How get guru status at youtube/google video?

Once there was a time where you could upload conference presentation videos to Google Video. No more. refers to My google video uploader does not work anymore.

Youtube tells me that I may upload videos not longer than 10min - my video is 55min - but I may try to convert it down to 100MB and then it will be accepted.

Ok, I converted from full screen resolution 1280x1024 (I made a screencast with live audio at YAPC::EU 2010 Pisa of my Perl Compiler talk) down to 512x384 and got from 346MB to 127MB, split into two parts of 54MB and 73MB.

A new way to create error free software

After too many failing cpanreports for perl-compiler releases I'll finally unify my failing test results into manable code of todo logic. Automatically.

Test::TAP::Unify at


Test::TAP::Unify - Create a minimal set of TODO code for a set of test results


rm log.test-*
os=$(uname -o)
for p in 5.10.1 5.10.1-nt 5.12.1 5.12.1d 5.12.1d-nt 5.13.3 \
            5.13.3d 5.13.3-nt
  perl$p Makefile.PL
  make test >log.test-$os-$p

use Test::TAP::Unify;
# take features from test filenames or test comments
my $features = {debugging => qr/\dd/,
      threads   => qr/-nt/,
                os        => qr/log.test-(\w+)-/,
                version   => qr/(5\.[\d\.]+/)};
my $t = Test::TAP::Unify->new(filename => $features,
                              comment  => $name);
my $u = $t->parse(<log.test-*>);

# prints the complete test matrix
print $u->matrix;

# prints @TODO lists as code snippet
print $u->todo->code('PUSH', 'index'); # as PUSH'ed lists of test indices

my $m = Test::TAP::Unify->new
  ( filenames => {debugging => qr/\dd/,
                  threads   => qr/-nt/,
                  os        => qr/log.modules-(\w+)-/,
                  version   => qr/(5\.[\d\.]+/)},
   comment  => {module => qr/(pass|fail) (\S+)/})
print $m->matrix;             # all results
print $m->todo->code('IF', 'module');  # as IF checked lists for module lists


You hate failing tests, you get a set of test results per perl version by yourself, and also gathered by cpantesters. So you can mark all failing tests as TODO check tickets, and release a new version, where all tests pass. Great! Error free software.

Really, for more complicated XS modules with some randomly failing tests you need to keep TODO lists uptodate. Just to see regressions.

This modules was written to unify test results of the perl compiler B::C, you will get tired to mark TODO tests manually after each feature change or added platform or perl version you are testing against. It will give you insights which feature might cause the damage. You can e.g. mark tests with any feature name and check them with this module.

Test::TAP::Unify reads the output of make test (TAP results), detects features by various methods, e.g. the filename where make test is logged to, or the test comments and tries to find the minmal set of failing tests per feature. The shortest set of feature-fail combination. Since you have an arbitrary long list of features - typically: version, threads, os, debugging, cc - producing this set is not trivial.

The sets can be printed as matrix, or as code, lists of @TODO with added feature logic. Each test is indexed by number 1..plan.

Sample output for todo->code('PUSH', 'index')

sub is_todo {
  my @TODO;
  @TODO = (15,39,44);
  @TODO = (39)           if !$ITHREADS;
  @TODO = (15,41..45)    if $version < 5.007;
  @TODO = (39,41,44)     if $version >= 5.010;
  @TODO = (15,29,39,44)  if $version >= 5.010 and !$ITHREADS;
  push @TODO, (27)       if $version >= 5.012 and $ITHREADS;
  push @TODO, (6,8..10,16,21,23,24,26,30,31,35) if $version >= 5.013002;
  push @TODO, (15,25,42..43) if $version >= 5.013 and $ITHREADS;
  return @TODO;

Sample output for todo->code('IF', 'module')

sub is_todo {
  my ($module, $version, $name, $threads) = @_;
  foreach (qw(ExtUtils::MakeMaker LWP Attribute::Handlers MooseX::Types)) {
    return 'generally' if $_ eq $module;
  if ($] < 5.007) {
    foreach(qw( ExtUtils::CBuilder Sub::Name)) {
      return '< 5.007' if $_ eq $module;
  if ($] < 5.010) {
    foreach(qw(B::Hooks::EndOfScope)) {
      return '< 5.010' if $_ eq $module;
  if ($threads) {
               File::Temp ExtUtils::Install
               Test::Tester Attribute::Handlers
               Test::Deep FCGI B::Hooks::EndOfScope Digest::SHA1
               namespace::clean DateTime::Locale DateTime
              )) {
      return 'with threads' if $_ eq $module;
    if ($] >= 5.010 and $] < 5.012) {
                 Class::Accessor Class::MOP
                )) {
        return '5.10 with threads' if $_ eq $module;
  } else {
    if ($] >= 5.010 and $] < 5.012) {
                 IO ExtUtils::Install Test::Tester Test::Deep Path::Class
                )) {
        return '5.10 without threads' if $_ eq $module;


  • TAP::Harness
  • Test::Harness::Straps
  • B::C


I've got a basic version of this idea running. Just the simple optimization to find the shortest combination not yet.



$ ./status_upd -q t/reports/1.28/r581

$common_fail = {
                 't/issue39.t' => '1',
                 't/issue29.t' => '2',
                 't/z_portfs.t' => '1',
                 't/issue37.t' => '1'
$v5.10.1 fail = {
                  't/modules.t' => '37, 39, 149, 151, 373, 375'
$v5.12.1 fail = {
                  't/c_o3.t' => '12, 28, 35',
                  't/c_o4.t' => '28, 35',
                  't/cc_o2.t' => '35',
                  't/c_o1.t' => '35',
                  't/cc_o1.t' => '35',
                  't/cc.t' => '35',
                  't/c_o2.t' => '12, 14, 17-20, 22-23, 28, 34-38, 40',
                  't/c.t' => '35'
$v5.13.4 fail = {
                  't/c_o3.t' => '29',
                  't/c_o4.t' => '29',
                  't/cc_o2.t' => '12, 28',
                  't/c_o1.t' => '28',
                  't/cc_o1.t' => '12, 28',
                  't/cc.t' => '12, 28',
                  't/c_o2.t' => '29',
                  't/c.t' => '28'
$v5.6.2 fail = {
                 't/bytecode.t' => '27, 46',
                 't/c_o3.t' => '35, 46',
                 't/c_o4.t' => '35, 46',
                 't/cc_o2.t' => '27, 35, 46',
                 't/c_o1.t' => '35, 46',
                 't/cc_o1.t' => '35, 46',
                 't/cc.t' => '35, 46',
                 't/modules.t' => '13, 15, 21, 23, 45, 47, 61, 63, 73, 75',
                 't/c_o2.t' => '35, 46',
                 't/c.t' => '35, 46'
$feature d fail = {
                    't/bytecode.t' => '3-4, 10, 28-29, 31, 41-43, 45-46',
                    't/c_o3.t' => '29',
                    't/c_o4.t' => '29',
                    't/cc_o2.t' => '12, 28',
                    't/c_o1.t' => '28',
                    't/cc_o1.t' => '12, 28',
                    't/cc.t' => '12, 28',
                    't/c_o2.t' => '29',
                    't/c.t' => '28'
$feature d-nt fail = {
                       't/bytecode.t' => '3-4, 10, 28-29, 31, 45-46',
                       't/cc_o2.t' => '12, 28',
                       't/c_o1.t' => '28',
                       't/cc_o1.t' => '12, 28',
                       't/cc.t' => '12, 28',
                       't/c.t' => '28'
$feature nt fail = {
                     't/bytecode.t' => '3-4, 28-29, 31, 45-46',
                     't/c_o3.t' => '12, 28, 35',
                     't/c_o4.t' => '28, 35',
                     't/c_o1.t' => '35',
                     't/c_o2.t' => '12, 14, 17-20, 22-23, 28, 34-38, 40',
                     't/c.t' => '35'
$common_todo = {
                 't/c_o3.t' => '11, 23',
                 't/issue34.t' => '2',
                 't/cc_last.t' => '1, 3',
                 't/c_o4.t' => '11, 23, 27',
                 't/issue39.t' => '1',
                 't/issue27.t' => '1',
                 't/c_o2.t' => '11, 23'
$v5.10.1 todo = {
                  't/modules.t' => '13-14, 16, 25-32, 41-43, 45-47, 73-74, 77-79'
$v5.12.1 todo = {
                  't/modules.t' => '13-14, 16, 41-43, 77-79, 93-95, 133-135'
$feature  todo = {
                   't/c_o1.t' => '23, 25, 27, 42-43',
                   't/modules.t' => '13-14, 16, 21-24, 33-36, 38, 42, 46, 54',
                   't/c.t' => '23, 25, 27, 42-43'
$feature d todo = {
                    't/modules.t' => '13-14, 16, 21-24, 33-36, 38, 42, 46, 54'
$feature d-nt todo = {
                       't/modules.t' => '13-14, 16, 21-24, 33-47, 53-56, 61-62, 64-68'
$feature nt todo = {
                     't/c_o1.t' => '23, 29',
                     't/c.t' => '23, 29'

About Reini Urban

user-pic Working at cPanel on cperl, B::C (the perl-compiler), parrot, B::Generate, cygwin perl and more guts, keeping the system alive.