Perl 5 Porters Mailing List Summary: June 29th - July 2nd

Edit: 5.24.2-RC1 and 5.22.4-RC1.

Hey everyone,

Following is the p5p (Perl 5 Porters) mailing list summary for the past half a week.


June 29th - July 2nd


Perl 5.22.4-RC1 is now finally available!

Perl 5.24.2-RC1 is now finally available!

Karl Williamson updates us that LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S is now officially recognized.

Grant Reports


New Issues

  • Perl #131679: our sub Foo::Bar spits a different error message from the one for my sub Foo::Bar.
  • Perl #131687: Deparsed object constants lose blessedness.
  • Perl #131688: Instructions on how to patch Configure unclear.
  • Perl #131689: Configure should probe for __builtin_add_overflow.
  • Perl #131690: sysopen() sets $! on success.

Resolved Issues

  • Perl #131645: pp_sys.c: Assertion failure.
  • Perl #131679: our sub Foo::Bar spits a different error message from the one for my sub Foo::Bar.


Lukas Mai provided a patch for Perl #131689 (Configure should probe for__builtin_add_overflow).

Pali provided patches in Perl #131683 (Encode::ONLY_PRAGMA_WARNINGS in $PerlIO::encoding::fallback) to address the mess in warnings provided by Encode.


Pali also provided patches in Perl #131685 (Rename utf8::is_utf8() and other functions) to revise the utf8::is_utf8() set of functions. There is a discussion around that and what that will mean.

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user-pic Gots to do the bloggingz