A Look At Braces

In a comment of an article here at blogs.perl.org, Going to Perl School, I mentioned that Perl has 9 uses for braces. Here they are:


The first one is easy: Perl uses braces to delimit blocks of

This may be to provide isolation. For example to slurp a file:

open my $fh, '<', $some_file or die $!;

# have to declare lines outside of the block
# or it will be dropped at the end
my $lines;

# set the input record separator to undef,
# see `perldoc perlvar`
# and search for /INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR/
local $/;

$lines = <$fh>;
close $fh or die $!;

Blocks must be used with the compound statements like "http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Compound-Statements" class=
, "http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Compound-Statements" class=
, and "http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Compound-Statements" class=
. They are also used with commands
like "podlinkurl">map and "http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/grep.html" class=

2. Hash Keys

Braces are used with a hash to access the value.

print $hash{$key};

3. Anonymous Hashes

Braces are used to create anonymous hashes.

my $hash_ref = { foo => 'bar' };

4. De-referencing

Braces are used in de-referencing, especially for arrays and

for my $item ( @{ $obj->{list} } ){
# ...

for my $key ( sort keys %{ $obj->{config} } ){
# ...

5. File Handles

Braces are used to to isolate a file handle.

print {STDERR} "Error detected.\n";

This is the only way to use a file handle in a data structure.

print {$object->{out_fh}} "Error detected.\n";

6. Quote Delimiters

class="podlinkurl">Generic quotes
can be delimited with braces.

my $SPACE = q{ };
my $NL = qq{\n};

s{ \A \s+ }{}msx;
s{ \s+ \z }{}msx;

7. Delimiters in
String Interpolation

Braces are use in string interpolation to create special characters
and to delimit them from the rest of the text.



They are also used to separate a variable name from other

print "Using temporary file ${src_file}_tmp";

8. Regular Expression

In regular expressions, braces are used for specifying quantifiers
of matches.

# look for two or more underscores
if( m{ _{2,} }msx ){
# ...

9. Regular
Expression Embedded Code

Code can be embedded in regular expressions in the newer versions of

perl -nE'm{ ( [aeiou] ) (?{ say "$1" }) }msx'


I always thought of #5 "File Handles Isolation" as the same as #1 "BLOCK".

Just like map BLOCK LIST, we have print BLOCK LIST where BLOCK returns a filehandle.

print { $o->err ? STDERR : STDOUT } $o->msg, "\n";

Pretty sure that "they are also used to separate a variable name from other alphanumerics" is the same thing as #4.

And here's one to add... sometimes braces are just braces! e.g. my $braces = q({})

It seems to me that perlfunc should be updated as such:
print LIST

It's interesting that braces are more polymorphic in Perl than most other languages yet many of Perl's operators are less polymorphic than many other languages, which I personally prefer. I've found that braces are the most confusing part of Perl syntax for new developers and I think that polymorphism is a big part of the issue, as well as referencing/dereferencing being a tricky concept for the uninitiated.

It just came to me, this post should have been entitled "A brace of kinsmen".

Here's another one: iteration in globbing.

$ perl -lwe 'print for <a{x,y,z}b>'

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About Shawn H Corey

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