Grant for Improving the Perl Debugger + New CPAN Distributions

First of all, I am glad to announce that the Perl Foundation grant committee has accepted my grant proposal for adding tests and refactoring the built-in perl debugger. Here is the announcement for which grant proposals were accepted. My grant manager for this grant is Alan Haggai Alavi, whom I've been talking with online and have collaborated on a few projects, so I'm really happy to work with him again.

I have already made some progress with the grant (and this post is part of it), and sent a log for Alan Haggai to post as a grant update.

That put aside, I'd now like to publicise some of the new distributions I have uploaded to CPAN, as I had some ideas for new ones, and am also contemplating making enough uploads to have 100 CPAN distributions or more:

  1. WWW-LinkChecker-Internal is a distribution wrapping a script that checks for internal broken links. I released the first three versions of it in a day, and it uses WWW::Mechanize. The reason why I wrote it was that the WDG HTML validator reported some broken links in one of my sites, but not their origins, so I had to trace them in a different way, and ended up writing that.

  2. Inline-Ruby is an Inline:: distribution I adopted that allows to embed Ruby code inside Perl programs. I applied some fixes for it (some of which were not released to CPAN yet and some are ugly workarounds), and am planning to maintain it further down the road.

  3. Test-TrailingSpace is a Test:: namespace distribution for verifying that your code does not contain trailing space. Death to trailing space!

A final anecdote is that when working on one of my CPAN modules I found the b [filename]:[line_num] feature that I implemented in the perl debugger to be of great help, and can be content that I'm eating my own dogfood.

Cheers for now.

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About Shlomi Fish

user-pic An Israeli software developer, essayist, and writer, and an enthusiast of open/free software and cultural works. I've been working with Perl since 1996.