March 2013 Archives

XML-Grammar-Screenplay: Alternative Format for Hollywood Screenplays

A short time after I posted a message about XML-Grammar-Screenplay to a Perl forum, a Perl enthusiast sent me a message reading like that:

I would think that a proper screenplay grammar would be useful (I've thought of writing one myself). Though I've looked through your screenplay examples, I can't see any of them, anywhere, which is actually rendered in correct screenplay format (example), nor anything which appears…

ANN: My Transition From Software Developer to Writer/Entertainer/Amateur Philosopher/Internet Celebrity

I'd like to make an announcement: after some serious thought, I decided that from now on, being a software developer (which I am not too bad at) will only be the means (but the absolutely necessary ones) to me being a writer / entertainer / philosopher / Internet celebrity (a little bit of all those and then some) whose main pride and passion is his personal web site, which is full of a lot of material, and various pages and material is constantly added to it.

Note: I am not going to "quit" from the Perl world or am going to stop programmin…

About Shlomi Fish

user-pic An Israeli software developer, essayist, and writer, and an enthusiast of open/free software and cultural works. I've been working with Perl since 1996.