Coding Style As A Failure Of Language Design?

Read this older blog post the other day. Hilarious at best, creepy at worst.

Arbitrary limitations should not be added to a general-purpose programming language unless for a really good reason. Do you really want to code in a language that forces you to indent with 2 spaces, never cross 80-column line, or require/forbid whitespace here and there? And besides, is there any language (no matter how strict the syntax of which is) which do not have some sort of coding style?


"Do you really want to code in a language that forces you to [...] never cross 80-column line, or require/forbid whitespace here and there?"

come now, there's nothing wrong with FORTRAN 77 :-)

I think it would be cool if Perl 6 was flexible enough to make whitespace/style violations a syntax error. I would not, however, want it to be any sort of default for the language itself.

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About Steven Haryanto

user-pic A programmer (mostly Perl 5 nowadays). My CPAN ID: SHARYANTO. I'm sedusedan on perlmonks. My twitter is stevenharyanto (but I don't tweet much). Follow me on github: sharyanto.