April 2013 Archives

Ruby's share drops on github, Perl's stays

Source: https://github.com/languages

Oct 4, 2012:
JavaScript 21%
Ruby 14%
Python 8%
Java 8%
Shell 8%
PHP 7%
C 6%
C++ 4%
Perl 4%
Objective-C 3%
Apr 19, 2013:
JavaScript 21%
Ruby 12%
Java 8%
Python 8%
Shell 8%
PHP 7%
C 6%
C++ 5%
Perl 4%
Objective-C 3%

Java moves to 3rd position to replace Python which is now in the 4th. Perl's place stays the same at the 9th, as well as its share at 4%. Ruby's share drops pretty significantly from 14% to 12%. More precise numbers are not provided.

I guess this is just a normalization process as Ruby projects were the early adopters at github. Kind of reminds me about the current normalization process where other languages replace Perl for web applications, because Perl used to dominate and was the early language during the pre-dotcom-boom/bust era.

Hacktivity report (Jan-Mar 2013)

Previous reports: 2012 year-end, Apr-Jul 2012, ...

Data::Sah. All through January I mostly worked on Data::Sah. In the second week of February, I completed what I call the first stage: some core set of clauses which I use regularly and a working Perl and JavaScript compiler. I can already compile most of the schemas which…

::NonOO suffix for non-OO version of a module

I wrote one this morning: Number::Closest::NonOO is the non-OO version of Number::Closest (plus with some additional features).

Is there an existing convention for this? Or can you suggest a better candidate? Can't seem to find or be able to come up with any. ::Simple is too vague (and a bit misleading). ::Functional? ::Function? ::Procedural? ::NonMoose implies an OO version but without using Moose. NOO is not immediately o…

By all means, try out $LANG, but also give Perl a real chance (a.k.a.: Good tools)

A lot of things mentioned about Emacs in this short essay (via Reddit) also ring true about Perl to me.

Good tools are investments. Learning Perl to a sufficiently advanced level is not easy. Like any aged tool, Perl has quite a bit of idiosyncrasies and quirks that still exist due to maintaining backward compatibility. But there's not a single working day that I don't benefit from knowing Perl. Lea…


Get it?

(Meant to post this to perlmonks, but the site's submission form is missing the [Add] button right now).

Anyway, as a long time user of File::Slurp who utilizes both idioms below often:

# slurp into a scalar
$content = slurp("file.txt");

# slurp into an array
@lines = slurp("file.txt");

I'm willing to switch to IO::All's:

# slurp into a scalar
io("file.txt") > $…

Emacs (c)perl-mode for Python-oriented people?

In the middle of reading the surprisingly rather good blog post on a very old topic (hey, didn't know wordpress.com offers HTTPS URLs, nice), I wonder about whether people would think such a mode (or a minor mode for cperl-mode) would be interesting, or not too silly. (BTW why can't I stop doing parentheses?)

The mode's main task is to reduce visual "clutter" for people who has less tolerance for such.

  • Change the appearance of sigiled variables $foo into foo (that …

About Steven Haryanto

user-pic A programmer (mostly Perl 5 nowadays). My CPAN ID: SHARYANTO. I'm sedusedan on perlmonks. My twitter is stevenharyanto (but I don't tweet much). Follow me on github: sharyanto.