Not using that any more...

OK, so sometimes you decide you're going to stop using some module X, maybe because something better has come along. Let's say I want to track down all my CPAN modules that use Any::Moose because my goal is to port each of them to either Moose or Moo.

MetaCPAN has all the dependency information, but I don't want to click through each of my distributions. Enter the MetaCPAN API...

 1:    #!/usr/bin/env perl
 3:    use v5.10;
 4:    use strict;
 5:    use warnings;
 7:    use HTTP::Tiny;
 8:    use JSON;
10:    my @fields = qw< distribution version date >;
12:    my ($module, $author) = @ARGV;
13:    $module or die "usage: $0 MODULE [AUTHOR]\n";
15:    my $query = {
16:       size   => 5000,
17:       fields => \@fields,
18:       query  => { match_all => {} },
19:       filter => {
20:          and => [
21:             { term => { "release.dependency.module" => $module } },
22:             { term => { "release.status" => "latest"} },
23:          ]
24:       }
25:    };
27:    push @{$query->{filter}{and}}, { term => { "" => $author } }
28:       if $author;
30:    my $response = "HTTP::Tiny"->new->post(
31:       "" => {
32:          content => to_json($query),
33:          headers => {
34:             "Content-Type" => "application/json",
35:          },
36:       },
37:    );
39:    my $result = from_json($response->{content});
41:    for my $dist (@{ $result->{hits}{hits} }) {
42:       printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", map $dist->{fields}{$_}, @fields);
43:    }

1 Comment

Maybe you'd like to add this script to the
MetaCPAN::Clients which is just a bunch of scripts. If yes, please send a pull request.

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About Toby Inkster

user-pic I'm tobyink on CPAN, IRC and PerlMonks.