German Perl Workshop day 3

Yesterday was the last day of the german perl workshop.

Denis Banovic started with a live demo demonstrating development and deployment of a dancer app in the "Cloud". It looked very easy to do.

Karl Gaissmaier was the next speaker explaining a lot of details about Captive::Portal, a hostspot software his university developed.

Stefan Hornburg talked about various advanced features of and his experiences with Dancer.

After lunch, Rolf Langsdorf held a very interesting talk comparing Perl and JavaScript. After that, Herbert Breunung had two talks: Thoughts about better documentation and a comparison of Hg and git.

And the last two speakers were Richard Lippmann discussing the usage of the right language for programming projects and Renée Bäcker with tips and tricks for doing talks.

All to gether, this was a great workshop. I will definitely attend next year's workshop which is in Erlangen from March 5 to March 7, 2012.

1 Comment

Thanks for these posts. I think it would be beneficial to include links to the other posts in this series. Both forward and backward.

Here are the other two posts:

German Perl Workshop day 2

German Perl Workshop day 1

And here is a link to the website of the
German Perl Workshop 2011.

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About Wolfgang Kinkeldei

user-pic I blog about Perl.