Our first sponsor: YAPC::Europe Foundation

When Anton Berezin announced that we Frankfurt.pm hosts YAPC::EU 2012, he handed over a check for over 1,000 Euro from YAPC::Europe Foundation (YEF). Thanks to YEF for this kickstart donation.

YEF exists to promote Perl in Europe. They do this by supporting organisers - not only with donations like we recieved but the also help when organizers have questions about how to handle this or that. And they sponsor the online payment system that can be connected with Act! And the venue committee of YEF elects the hosts of the YAPC::EUs.

During the lightning talks at YAPC:Europe 2011 BooK said that YEF wants to support more workshops, so organisers should ask for help... And of course YEF accepts donations so YEF can support even more events.


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About YAPC::Europe 2012

user-pic YAPC::EU 2012 blog about their activities wrt yapceu2012.