Rstats 0.01 development release

 Recently I am creating Rstats module.

Rstats Repository

R language is the language for statistics. This project is that You can use R language feature from Perl.

You can write code in the following as same as R language.

  use Rstats;
  # Vector
  my $v1 = c(1, 2, 3);
  my $v2 = c(3, 4, 5);
  my $v3 = $v1 + v2;
  print $v3;
  # Sequence m:n
  my $v1 = ve("1:3");

# Matrix
my $m1 = matrix(ve("1:12"), 4, 3);

# Array
my $a1 = array(ve("1:24"), c(4, 3, 2));

# Complex
my $z1 = 1 + 2 * i;
my $z2 = 3 + 4 * i;
my $z3 = $z1 * $z2;

# Special value
my $true = TRUE;
my $false = FALSE;
my $na = NA;
my $nan = NaN;
my $inf = Inf;
my $null = NULL;

# all methods is called from r
my $x1 = r->sum(c(1, 2, 3));

Rstats is development release. API interface will be changed without warnings.

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About Yuki Kimoto

user-pic I'm Perl Programmer. I LOVE Perl. I want to contribute Perl community and Perl users.