June 2016 Archives

Why do I like simple object system? Object::Simple story.

Do you like simple object system or lerge object system? I like simple object system.

In old days, I believed Perl would need complete object system, which has meta object protocol and class syntax.
Many perl programmers sought a good way to write object oriented programing.

A famouse lerge object system is Moose.
This module has many features, for example,
has, extends, with, is, isa, corce, dose, required, traits, builder, BUILD, DEMOLISH, etc.

A famouse simple object system is /users/yuki_kimoto/2016/06/index.html

The way to get latest Perl information

Do you want to get latest Perl information? If you get newer Perl information, you can know the information faster than others.

I'm Yuki Kimoto. I'm Japanese Perl programmer. I have twitter account. Until now I only tweet newer perl information using Japanese. but from know I tweet using Both Japanese and English.

I tell you what I find, what I think it is good about Perl(perl core feature, web application, cpan module), and my perl product release such as GitPrep.

I'm sharing many topics from now. I add simple d…

About Yuki Kimoto

user-pic I'm Perl Programmer. I LOVE Perl. I want to contribute Perl community and Perl users.