February 2021 Archives

You can now use the spvmcc command to generate an executable file from the SPVM source code.

You can now use the spvmcc command to generate an executable file from the SPVM source code.

SPVM is a module that can convert Perl-like source code into C language and execute it.

I have succeeded in generating an executable in a very stable way.

SPVM source code

# MyApp.spvm
package MyApp : precompile {
  sub main : int ($args : string[]) {
    my $total = 0;
    for (my $i = 0; $i  100000; $i++) {
      $total += $i;
    print "$total\n";

Create Excutable File and execute it

Create Executable Fi…

About Yuki Kimoto

user-pic I'm Perl Programmer. I LOVE Perl. I want to contribute Perl community and Perl users.