Making web applications like LEGO blocks - YAPC::NA 2013

It's like a LEGO blocks to making web applications for me. I'm using the Mojolicious as a web application framework. Mojolicious is a very good framework that is thin and simple, but it does not support a model, database accessing, form validation and others. So, we should choose CPAN modules to construct my web application and use the modules with the framework.

On YAPC::NA, I'll introduce my best practices of choosing CPAN modules and composing for web application that I'm developing in Japan. My application depends on many modules written by Japanese authors. The libraries I'll talk about are below.

  • Plack - Interface between web applications and servers
  • Mouse - Class builder
  • DBIx::Skinny or Teng - O/R Mapper
  • FormValidator::Lite - Simple form validator
  • HTML::FillInForm::Lite - Fast fill in form
  • Data::Validator - Validator for args
  • Devel::KYTProf - I/O profiler
  • Carton - Like a ruby bundler
  • Cinnamon - Cool deployment tool
  • And Others

Do you know these modules ? :-)

My presentation will be talked on Wednesday at YAPC::NA 2013 Austin .

Very fun to compose CPAN modules that I chose, it's like a LEGO blocks !

About Yusuke Wada

user-pic I'm web application developer in Japan!