Mike Sanders
- About: Nope.
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Commented on Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
%song-data{~$} = +$, [$.words]; Whew. Way too many seemingly random dollar signs for me......
Commented on Exercise 1. 3s and 5s.
Don´t have no perl6 runtime here to verify it, but in your time comparison the Perl 6 solution actually gives a different result (98 instead of 78)?!...
Commented on Reconsidering Exercise 1
Ain´t that wrong because of short-circuiting? I´d say you could write it as for (1..$max) { $sum += $_ if( $_ % 5 == 0 || $_ % 3 == 0 ) }...
Posted Postfix Deref? to Mike Sanders
I really like the increased development pace for Perl5 starting with 5.10. It has led to many nice features in a relatively short time and I´m grateful for that. Occasionally however, the need for speed imho trumps sanity and reason...
Commented on Names And All That
No, it wasn't (isn't!) a waste of time. At least not, if - by following the discussion - the powers that be realize that adding always more "use feature 'xyz'" to the perl core while maintaining backwards compatibility isn't viable...
Commented on Names and Numbers, Brand and Identity
Btw.: /me actually thinks that "Raptor Perl" - cf. https://github.com/kraih/perl-raptor - could be nice: old but powerful (though "dangerous to use" could come to mind, too). There´s even orange in the image ;-)...
Commented on Names and Numbers, Brand and Identity
Saw a comment somewhere (unfortunately forgot where and by whom) that - I think - got it right: Changing the name or the version numbering scheme won't do us any good, unless we're willing to go further. It might in...

Comment Threads
raiph commented on
Exercise 1. 3s and 5s.
In your P6 code you have this line of code:
unless any(@multiples) $start {
That looks like TTIAR (two terms in a row) to me (syntax error).
Olivier Mengué (dolmen) commented on
Exercise 1. 3s and 5s.
The code is still mangled :(
Aaron Baugher commented on
Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
Thanks, Brad. Named captures are nice; I need to get in the habit of using them. And the way you're breaking the values out of the hash on two levels in your second for loop is really cool. I don't think I'd seen anything like that yet.
Aaron Baugher commented on
Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
Mike, I didn't even realize you could use a single dollar sign like that, except in the $.method format. Something to look into, thanks.
Brad Gilbert commented on
Starting to Learn Regexes in Perl 6
Actually the second
loop has 3 levels of signature unpacking. You don't see the first one which is implicit.

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