Marius Gavrilescu
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Commented on RFC Perl for education
> Due to different requirements. Perl for production needs to support what was done 10 years ago. Perl for education should enforce current best practices, hence can be more aggressive. Still, breaking backwards compatibility shouldn't be a goal. > While...
Commented on RFC Perl for education
> No backwards compatibility Why? > Strict, warnings, utf8 and newest Perl features on by default Modern::Perl or a similar pragma. > Sub signatures and postfix dereferencing should be on and without experimental warnings Easily achievable with a pragma. >...

Comment Threads
vytas commented on
RFC Perl for education
> No backwards compatibility
Due to different requirements. Perl for production needs to support what was done 10 years ago. Perl for education should enforce current best practices, hence can be more aggressive.
> Strict, warnings, utf8 and newest Perl features on by default
>> Modern::Perl or a similar pragma.I agree.
> Sub signatures and postfix dereferencing should be on and without experimental warnings
>> Easily achievable with a pragma.True, as some of the other things, but not all.
> Most of the greatest CPAN…
domm commented on
RFC Perl for education
What you're describing sounds a lot like Perl6, which seems to be quite useable already.
The major thing that's missing in Perl6 is ready-to-use frameworks like Dancer etc (but I assume some proto-versions of such frameworks are hiding on github somewhere..)
Enkidu commented on
RFC Perl for education
Perl didn't lose the fight in the education sector because of the language, but for the lack of a good text book at undergraduate level. Tons of great books for developers and learners, but with the exception of Orwant's Algorithms book (and possibly Advanced Perl Programming and Higher Order Perl), there are no books for learning Computer Science with Perl. Team up with a bunch of university lecturers and try and give chromatic a run for his money. Your timing is good, all the tools are ready. You just need to prepare the ground.
vytas commented on
RFC Perl for education
after some more thinking I must agree with most what Marius said. Technically Perl has easy solutions for ePerl I described.. after finding something close to what I want ( Schwern's Perl5i ), I must say I won't be wasting time for ePerl..
Some other ideas I came across:
* pyconuk 2014 had 2 days education track
* Applications like Pyland would be great
* It might be great to adjust Perl for different levels, something like staging Perl, i.e. allow only if statemen…

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