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Commented on I hate unpacking sub calls with shift
Newcomers need to understand that sub call arguments are passed in an array. And to appreciate the power of arrays, a programmer needs to understand how shift, unshift, pop, push etc are array operators. I agree that placing a shift...

Comment Threads
Tom Molesworth commented on
I hate unpacking sub calls with shift
$! is common enough that it shouldn't need comments, though?
If the argument is that people learning perl won't understand them, I'd disagree:
open my $fh, '
tends to be covered very early in most tutorials, and is also described in perldoc perlopentut. To some extent the same applies to $/, reading in paragraph mode or in fixed chunks is something that you encounter very early.…
Olivier Mengué (dolmen) commented on
I hate unpacking sub calls with shift
Note also that @_ is alias to arguments given to the sub which means that it gives you not only read access to the argument, but also write access if it is a variable.
my $a = 2; say $a;
sub change_arg_0
$_[0] = 1;
say $a;

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