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Commented on Response to The Perl Jam 2
Even the -dangerous - ARGV magic is covered in the docs. From perlop: Since the null filehandle uses the two argument form of “open” in perlfunc it interprets special characters, so if you have a script like this: while (<>)...
Commented on Response to The Perl Jam 2
Correction: while (<$x>) { say $_; } (after preview, I found that the diamond has to be entered as <$x> into the text box :-) Single argument open is fine; the real question is whether piped open via ARGV magic...
Commented on Response to The Perl Jam 2
If I was Perl, I would sue Netanel Rubin for slander....

Comment Threads
mj41 commented on
Response to The Perl Jam 2
Yes, everybody should use static languages. For example Java.
“… Going forward, developers should take this as an example of why it’s not safe to unserialize untrusted data. Unfortunately in the Java world, so much is built on the concept that this is okay, it’s going to take a long time to move away from that. …”

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