
Jeremy Leader

  • About: I blog about Perl and other stuff.
  • Commented on Is Perl a write only language?
    I've been writing it professionally longer than he's been an author. Cool! I'm curious, what version of Perl did you start with, and what did you learn it from? I started with Perl 4 around 1993, learning from a co-worker...
  • Commented on Is Perl a write only language?
    Now you may be the most honest, upright Joe out there but I don't know you... He signed his name, with a link to his home page, and Google is your friend. Maybe don't make assumptions about people you don't...
  • Commented on I learn something about tell(), then abuse it.
    In the past, when I've been dancing along the edge between "I can do this in a line or two of shell" and "I should really switch to Perl for this", I've used "head -1" to grab the header line,...
  • Commented on If you can't make money, at least have fun.
    Glad you liked the mention, Rocco. I don't think most of my coworkers realize how much benefit we get from POE, because we hardly ever talk about it, because it just works! Anyway, thanks again to you and all the...
  • Commented on Research paper paywalls are awful
    To the quasi-anonymous poster above, requesting a pre-print from the author only works as long as the author is still reachable, which the author in this case no longer is: I also noticed that the ACM portal page in...
  • Commented on Age discrimination in Perl 6 using subsets and multiple dispatch
    How do the names get upper-cased initials in the print-name examples? I'm still just a tourist in Perl 6 land, so I can't tell whether that's a typo, or whether I'm overlooking something....
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  • The Mighty Buzzard commented on Is Perl a write only language?

    Sorry, missed a bit. I learned it on the fly from other people's code, the documentation on the systems, and asking coworkers like a whole lot of us did back in the day. I've never taken a class or read a book to learn a language.

    For the past couple decades I've been just deciding to learn $foo and then immediately starting to write an IRC bot in it. I just keep adding extra functions and tweaking it until I think I've learned enough for now or until something else catches my eye.

    I did buy quite a few books for reference before online language documentation was ubiquitous s…

  • Aristotle commented on Is Perl a write only language?
    But that has nothing to do with understanding why in the world he's objecting to saying teachers who tell their students perl is hard should not be teaching computer programming courses.
    He is not in the world objecting to that. He objected to your original statement that “the people teaching [perl] are just incompetent”, which is a world of different from “teachers who tell their students perl is hard should not be teaching”.
  • The Mighty Buzzard commented on Is Perl a write only language?

    Read again, that is not what I said.

  • Aristotle commented on Is Perl a write only language?

    Oh, I see. I completely misread that, and probably so did Randal. Under that misreading, your first reply to Randal reads like a doubling down on that apparent position, when actually that response is just prioritizing overtly demonstrating disregard for people’s responses to you over figuring out why they responded that way – and with that, the scene is set for a waste of everybody’s time.

  • The Mighty Buzzard commented on Is Perl a write only language?

    Appears that way now, yep.

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