

  • Commented on Missing YAPC::Europe
    YAPC::Asia, of course. :) We've both been there in 2008; would be nice to see you there again....
  • Commented on pathed - munge the Bash PATH
    Ah, good point about; I'll use that as the default separator, thanks! About Env - it does have PATH helpers, but it's really about convenient access to the whole environment; I feel it's overkill for pathed....
  • Commented on pathed - munge the Bash PATH
    Joel: I'll add an option to use a different path separator, thanks. Env has somewhat different aims; pathed is a command-line tool....
  • Posted pathed - munge the Bash PATH to Marcel Grünauer

    I wrote "pathed", a tool to munge the Bash "PATH" environment variable.

    The Bash "PATH" environment variable contains a colon-separated list of paths. pathed - "path editor" - can split the path, append, prepend or remove elements, remove duplicates and reassemble it.


  • Commented on So, Kiev 2013
    Definitely no live auction, please. The auction was a nice idea while Greg McCarroll was doing it, then the attraction faded, and the last few years the auctions were sooo boring. An auction behind the scenes, like Alberto says, would...
  • Commented on Repeated Capturing and Parsing
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem, but doesn't my @matches = $data =~ m/(\w+) \s* = \s* (\w+)/xgc; do what you want?...
  • Commented on perlfind - perldoc on steroids
    There is App::perlzonji, which does something like this, and is also pluggable, but it's got a weird name, so it's my own fault that people don't find it. :) Anyway, I've blogged about perlzonji now....
  • Commented on Redirect:
    Yes; it should be more "English" now. :)...
  • Posted Redirect: to Marcel Grünauer

    I've created a new blog at, a site which I intend to use to pimp offer my services, and will use that blog from now on. The design is not quite there yet. :)

  • Commented on Let's say no to NO
    And probably no notes and no memories of it either. I absolutely agree. Open source, open talks. If you don't like it, don't talk. If your talk contains secrets you shouldn't talk about - well, don't talk about them. Vanity...
  • Posted 5.10 regex features: Build a nested structure while matching to Marcel Grünauer

    In trying to learn 5.10 grammar-like regex features and wrote a program that, while matching simple Lisp-like constructs, builds up a data structure. This involves recursing into subpatterns, but I couldn't find a way to assemble the resulting tree from the bottom up. Therefore I used a…

  • Posted Being anti-social to Marcel Grünauer

    A few days ago I deactivated my Twitter account and most other social networking accounts. It's not that I'm vanishing off the face of the earth or anything like that - …

  • Commented on Something for Perl event organisers to take into consideration
    Again, I feel it is over-regulating. There already is a code of conduct, the law. It covers practically everything mentioned there. And sentences like "If you feel that a threat exists against your person, we advise you to seek a...
  • Commented on Something for Perl event organisers to take into consideration
    Did you misunderstand? Being gay, I am one of those marginalised by a code of conduct. Not all the "victims" appreciate the gesture....
  • Commented on Something for Perl event organisers to take into consideration
    Aristotle: You write "Rather, the code of conduct is a message to the marginalised". Rather, a code of conduct makes me feel marginalised where before I didn't feel so. So what if I hear someone making a gay joke? Do...
  • Posted dip script to show DBI queries as they are prepared to Marcel Grünauer

    There's DBI_TRACE, but sometimes I just want to see the queries that are used in $dbh->prepare(). Here is a simple dip script to do that.

    dip -e 'before { warn ARGS(1) } call q…
  • Posted Vim script to fix the current file's package name to Marcel Grünauer

    In our work project, there are lots of Test::Class-based modules, and they live in lib/ so other distributions can use them. Anyway, when writing a new module of tests, I don't start from an empty file but rather copy one of the existing test modules.

    So I have to change the package name, …

  • Posted donates $10.000 for Perl 5 Core Maintenance to Marcel Grünauer

    domm writes:

    The Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund aims to raise $25.000 to to pay for Nicholas Clark and Dave Mitchell to work for 3 months on the Perl 5 core, fixing bugs and making other improvements.…

  • Commented on Dynamic instrumentation like DTrace, using aspects
    Right; that would count all objects regardless of which class they belong to. If you wanted to have a separate tally grouped by class as well, you could use: before { count(constructor => ARGS(0)); $c{total}++ } call qr/::new$/...
  • Posted Dynamic instrumentation like DTrace, using aspects to Marcel Grünauer

    I like DTrace and wanted to have at least part of its power for Perl progams, beyond the DTrace probes already provided by perl. So I used Aspects to create Allow me to quote from the manpage:

    $ dip -e 'aspect Profiled => call qr/^Person::set_/' myapp…
  • Commented on 1.00 released, and a first look at writing Aspect code
    Thank you for your continuing work on! You might also like "dip" - Dynamic Instrumentation in Perl - a bit like DTrace, using aspects:
  • Posted Perl QA Hackathon 2011 in Amsterdam to Marcel Grünauer

    Finally I've uploaded pictures from the Perl QA Hackathon 2011, which took place in Amsterdam from 16th-18th of April.


    It was a very enjoyable ev…

  • Commented on What should be core in Perl 5.16?
    The first thing I install is Task::BeLike::hanekomu, so I'd vote for anything that's in there. :)...
  • Commented on Show Perl subname in vim statusline
    Actually, in this function we need to call cursor() even if there was no match, because "normal $" would insist on always keeping the cursor on the end of the line... function! PerlCurrentSubName() let s:currline = line('.') let s:currcol =...
  • Commented on Show Perl subname in vim statusline
    Here's a function that determines the name of the current sub in much the same way, but it's in Vim script, so it works even if you don't have Perl embedded in Vim: function! PerlCurrentSubName() let s:currline = line('.') let...
  • Posted Using each() to iterate over an array to Marcel Grünauer

    In perl 5.12, each() - as well as keys() and values() - works on arrays, an array, each()

  • Posted Caching multi-statement computations using an anonymous subroutine to Marcel Grünauer

    Suppose that a subroutine gets called several times and that in the subroutine You could use a state variable or an our variable.

  • Commented on Happy New Year/Roles!
    @Ovid: It seems to work; thank you for your fast response!...
  • Commented on Happy New Year/Roles!
    Scenario: Class Foo consumes RoleA and RoleB. RoleA consumes RoleC. RoleB also consumes RoleC. RoleC has a baz() method. Then 'use Foo' gives an error: Due to method name conflicts in RoleA and RoleB, the method 'baz' must be included...
  • Commented on Happy New Year/Roles!
    I wonder whether my problem is actually about state. Had I written those accessors manually, there would be no problem even though they access the same hash slot as the generated versions. An accessor generator like Class::Accessor::Lite is simply a...
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  • Maddingue commented on So, Kiev 2013

    If there are things like books or t-shirts to sell, a silent auction will do. A live auction is only interesting if there are truly exceptional things. But if you have none, no need to make up something artificial. As Matt noted, we no longer need the auction whether as funding source or as a community event.

    Also, I'm taking the opportunity of being currently unemployed to modernize the Act hosting and finally migrate to the PSGI port. So adding new features (like QR codes badges) should be easier and faster.

  • kid51 commented on So, Kiev 2013

    Go for it, Andrew!

    Now, if only we could find out where YAPC::NA::2013 will be held ... :-)

  • zby commented on So, Kiev 2013

    Invite speakers from outside of our Perl echo-chamber!

  • Joel Berger commented on pathed - munge the Bash PATH

    Marcel, I should have been more clear. Other platforms WILL use a different separator and `use Config; $Config::Config{path_sep}` knows what it should be. Further I can see that there are different aims, however, might your command-line app be well served by being a wrapper of the Env module?

  • Brad Gilbert commented on pathed - munge the Bash PATH

    Marcel, Env is actually a really small module.

    Especially since it works on many different systems.

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