Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
- About: I'd consider myself a Modern Perl developer mostly focused on Moose and Catalyst as well as syntactical and meta insanities.
Recent Actions
Commented on Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
I'm actually of the opinion that it would be quite positive for the Perl community. Right now, smartmatching, and given/when by extension, are surprising, confusing and way too complex. Which leads to nobody really using it. I can't use it...
Commented on Stealing from Python
While I generally would like an 'in' comparison operator, the example you've shown compares string equality. What about numbers? The 'in' iteration syntax seems to be just a shorthand so you can omit the parenthesis, so I don't see the...
Commented on My English stinks, thank you for patching it!
The Dist-Zilla plugin seems to just use Test::Spelling, in case you want to have it automated without needing to switch just for that :)...
Commented on No YAPC::Cuba
I'd rather be labeled ignorant than take a risk I might not even be able to judge. It's the same reason I haven't been to the US yet....
Commented on Technical debt: when metaphors go wrong
I tend to think of it more as technical baggage. Heavy baggage will weigh you down the further you go along, but sometimes you can't go without baggage. You'll also have to keep carrying it if you can't replace it...
Posted About Obligations to Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
First off, documentation is important. I love good documentation, and I try documenting my code as good as I can. But I do that because I want, I can, and I have the time. It is not because I have to.
As you might have noticed there’s been ="http://szabgab.com/blog/2011/10/the…
Commented on Indexing MooseX::Declare modules
There are things like Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides and Module::Install::ProvidesClass that allow for things like this....
Commented on use strict;
There are a couple of other modules out there that imply "use strict;", such as Moose....
Commented on Perl's Built-In OO
It's not that they don't want to have the view, they can't have it. You cannot "unknow" the internals. Saying they just don't want to see it is quite harsh. If they wouldn't care, they wouldn't put immense amounts of...
Commented on Perl's Built-In OO
Yes, change will happen, I agree. That's why I'm personally rooting for a small DWIMy implementation that can simply be ignored once it isn't enough anymore. Looking at CPAN and how long accessor generation has been done there, I don't...
Commented on Perl's Built-In OO
Alberto, you do understand that as someone who wants to use Moose you are part of the community, right? Moose has great docs for some people, but not for others. These others tend to be those that haven't touched Moose...
Commented on Perl's Built-In OO
Well, one of my nieces recently asked me "What's Ghostbusters?" so I guess I can put myself in the leaning-towards-old-guy shelf as well :) I always rather had the feeling that they aren't against new ways of doing things, but...
Commented on Perl's Built-In OO
Well, at least that behavior is still with us. As long as people rather throw witty remarks around instead of thinking about why their opponents have their opinion we'll never reach a consensus. I love Moose and modern Perl. I...
Commented on Stop using Locale::Maketext
Additional functions can be defined with Locale-Maketext. Also, L-M is easily subclassable and extendable with a common interface. Which means I have a common space to do things like internationalization of numbers, dates and such....
Commented on Executing code at the end of runtime.
Role composition and attribute generation including their associated methods usually happens during runtime. So compile-time would be too soon for immutabilization in most cases....
Commented on Perl's "readability"
Actually, I have done Java, and I have a hard time reading it. With python it's mostly the same. I have no trouble reading the common idioms (that are mostly the same in all imperative languages), but list comprehensions look...
Commented on Please provide a change log
"The comment entirely referred to people who aren't interested to make code more accessible to others, whether by my suggestions, community standards or common sense. This is a very limited group of people but I've already received at least one...
Commented on Please provide a change log
"Seems like you consider yourself in that group but I can assure you that you are not. If you wish to be for the sake of being offended - that's fine. My apology to you was that even though I...
Commented on Please provide a change log
"ignoring all community standards and common sense (tests out the window, documentation is missing, no readmes, no META data, no building tools)" This takes experience, and a lot of reading. Do you think calling people jerks will motivate them to...
Commented on Please provide a change log
Sorry, but I stopped reading after "So, you can be a jerk and provide a simple .pm file" Yeah, what a jerk. Could we have these discussions without insulting or belittling anybody? If your second paragraph already contains an ad...
Commented on Writing Large Systems in Perl is a Privilege Not A Right
I’ve seen large applications written in Perl, PHP, Java and ASP. I have yet to see any language that can keep programmers from writing broken systems. Perl has nothing to do with development principles like abstraction, separation of concern, when...
Commented on C::DynaLib progress
Very nice article! As a strictly non-C guy who tried to create bindings to external libraries multiple times and mostly failed, I really welcome all of this attention to these kinds of projects. By the way, your CTypes link requires...
Commented on Things I Can't Have
Just as a note: if the bug is supposed to be the missing 'T' in the second example, then it's no surprise it's hard to find it in the first one, since it isn't there :)...
Commented on Data::Dump::PHP
Ah, got it....
Commented on Data::Dump::PHP
How about PHP::Serialization?...
Posted Perl in Germany · My CeBIT Recap to Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
I had the opportunity to help out the Perl::Staff at this years CeBIT. There was lots of interest in Perl, and we had lots of talks with people about what they are using Perl for, and how to bring the community and the companies using Perl closer together. This is quite a long post so I’ll…

Comment Threads
rjbs.manxome.org commented on
Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
The problem with making smartmatch behavior a pragma is, as Leon said, that pragmata generally work lexically, and this behavior is something we'd want to be changing based on the caller. Would swapping ~~ behaviors out with a dynamic pragma work? I don't know. I think it starts to make things difficult to follow.
For some more on the difficulties with implementing ~~ behavior with pragmata, see this thread from p5p, in which Jesse L. began work on it and then ran into the problem described:
Toby Inkster commented on
Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
I think the case for dynamic scoping is being overstated. If I write a module along the lines of:
package Answers; use smartmatch 'core'; use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [qw( is_affirmative is_negative )], }; sub is_affirmative { lc( $_[0] ) ~~ qw( yes si oui ); } sub is_negative { lc( $_[0] ) ~~ qw( no non ); } 1;
The fact that
use smart match internally are just implementation details. Somebody who imports the functions into their namespace won't necessarily know that, so it would be pretty odd if… -
Mark Stosberg commented on
Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
Richardo, thanks for the proposal, and Brian, thanks for highlighting an important issue for broader community input.
Ricardo's proposal looked like a reasonable simplification to me.
For some perspective, I was only able to recently get our production system upgraded from Perl 5.8 to Perl 5.14. We haven't even started to use smart matching in our code yet. I imagine a lot of people are in the same boat. There's no better time to get it right than now.
With a positive outlook on growth, there will be more than double the users are smart match going forward than thei…
transfixedbutnotdead.com commented on
Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
I'm not aware of Ruby having smart match? AFAIK Perl5 stole this directly from Perl6: http://perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html#Smart_matching
jrw32982 commented on
Ricardo is pushing for smart match changes.
You just prompted me to make my first ever post to p5p. I don't actively follow it (thanks, Mark Allen for the summaries!), but I will for a while in case my post draws any replies.

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