Dimitrios Kechagias
- Website: astro.ecuadors.net
- About: Computer scientist, physicist, amateur astronomer.
Recent Actions
Posted Weather::OWM released on CPAN to Dimitrios Kechagias
I am in the process of adding OpenWeatherMap support to Xasteria Weather for iOS and the proxy I built is in Perl. Since there was only an old module on CPAN which did not…
Posted Cloud VM performance / price comparison 2024 to Dimitrios Kechagias
I gave the talk Maximizing Performance and Cost Efficiency in the Cloud at the Perl and Raku conference this year. Among others, it used data from a benchmarking comparison I did among dozens of VMs on various cloud providers, and I had…
Posted Benchmark::DKbench Perl benchmark suite now supports custom benchmarks. to Dimitrios Kechagias
Although ="https://m…
Posted Setting up a free Oracle Database for Perl development to Dimitrios Kechagias
I recently added Oracle Database support to SQL::Inserter (check it out if you'd like simple to use, high-performance inserting to SQL databases). I had not used an Oracle Database since my uni days 20 years ago, so I had to set one up to test…
Posted SQL::Inserter for faster/multi-row inserting to Dimitrios Kechagias
SQL::Inserter is new CPAN module based on what we are using at SpareRoom to easily manage buffered inserts, as well as to replace SQL::Abstract's…
Posted Cloud Provider Price Performance Comparison: Spot VMs to Dimitrios Kechagias
In my recent Cloud Comparison, I mentioned that I'd look at Spot VM pricing in an update. This is…
Commented on Profiling Perl under Apache
Ah, thanks. I am sure I knew up to some point that <code> requires <pre> for multi-line and just forgot, as I've been using markdown the last few years (github, slack etc) and expect ``` in markdown mode to be...
Posted Profiling Perl under Apache to Dimitrios Kechagias
At SpareRoom we still use Apache/mod_perl and, despite Devel::NYTProf::Apache's warnings about it not being maintained, it is still the best way for profiling Perl.
All you need to do real…
Commented on Response header name ' Content- type' contains invalid characters, after running a Perl_CGI script.
I would note that posting something like this on https://stackoverflow.com/ and tagging it with #perl will get you helpful feedback quite quickly....
Posted Cloud Provider Performance & Price Comparison 2023 to Dimitrios Kechagias
Last year I compared the various VM types of 7 popular cloud providers mainly for Pe…
Commented on ChatGPT for Perl Learning
If you don't already know what you are doing, ChatGPT can be very misleading. It's designed to be the world's greatest bullshitter after all. > ChatGPT, can you give me a regular expression that matches a repeating pattern of two...
Posted Weather::WeatherKit and Weather::Astro7Timer to Dimitrios Kechagias
Today, the popular Dark Sky weather API is shutting down. I did a little write-up for non-Perl devs on DEV.to, but I thought I'd post here a couple of…
Posted Perl performance evolution over the last decade to Dimitrios Kechagias
I was reading recently about some significant Python 3.11 performance improvements, and I was wondering whether Perl 5 still gets significant performance improvements on each version - even though it might be more mature, thus more optimized in the first…
Commented on What happened to Perl 7?
IMHO announcing Perl 7, which was picked up by the non-perl community as clear "signs of life" from what they thought of as an irrelevant/dying language, and then taking it back was quite a big step backwards, so I'd thought...
Commented on Cloud Provider Performance Comparison - Perl & more
Thanks for the comment. The reason I included just Linode and Digital Ocean from the "smaller" providers, is because they have good reputation (Linode's been around for almost 20 years now) and I personally have good experience with them. I...
Posted Cloud Provider Performance Comparison - Perl & more to Dimitrios Kechagias
UPDATE: For the newer (2023) comparison see here.Last year, impressed with the apparent speed of an M1 Mac Mini I bought to try…
Commented on Perl performance on Apple M1
A bit late, but you might enjoy my DKBench, which is similar to what I did above, in a single test-suite, made for subsequent perl benchmarking which will probably end up in another blog post....
Commented on Perl performance on Apple M1
I wrote about it above, it was my first idea, which is why I ran powermetrics to make sure, and indeed it is still using the performance cores, same profile as before the sleep/wake cycle, so no idea what happens....
Commented on Perl performance on Apple M1
Apart from the last two that are proprietary, all the others have the full code here (if they are programs, otherwise the exact command I run with time). Not sure what more a github repo would do? Is there something...
Posted Perl performance on Apple M1 to Dimitrios Kechagias
I recently got an Apple M1 Mac Mini, half out of curiosity, half because it was exactly what I would need: I have a low end Mac just to try out things like new Xcode betas etc, like a "canary" machine. My old 2012 Mac Mini stopped getting official Apple…
- Posted Speeding Up Perl Test Suites & Test2::Aggregate to Dimitrios Kechagias

Comment Threads
Dean commented on
Perl performance on Apple M1
What I mean is to wrap up what you can in a script so its quick and easy for someone to replicate. Spitting out a result that can be compared to other results.
- Elvin Aslanov commented on What happened to Perl 7?
Smylers commented on
What happened to Perl 7?
Thank you for such a clear update. As somebody who only manages intermittently to follow what's happening with the Perl core, this is really useful, and explains several things I'd be wondering about.
vkavalov commented on
ChatGPT for Perl Learning
Perl is like the sharp guy in the back office who can solve any problem fast and efficiently. Doesn't care about the "fashion du jour" - just what works and is efficient. And then are the "me too"s, who spent their time sensing the daily winds and making sure they are sexier than the next one. And that's how they win the hearts and minds of the most young and superficial minds. But every now and then there is a "fashion" that is the real thing and somehow perl made a few bad bets.
… -
Aristotle commented on
Profiling Perl under Apache
Ah. That story is somewhat more complicated. These days when people say “Markdown” they mean a somewhat extended version of the syntax that most sites have converged on, whereas the Markdown plugin in use here is the O.G. Gruber Perl implementation which only supports indented code blocks and has never picked up support for fenced code blocks (as they are now called). Therefore it also always parses backticks as an inline code span, which renders as just a
tag. OG Markdown does support…

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