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  • commented on AnyEvent and Dancer: CondVars

    Sorry, I missed your reply to this. That likely isn't working because the timer is going out of scope and being canceled. You can fix this by assigning it to a scalar like this:

    my $app = sub {
      my $env = shift;
      return sub {
        my $respond = shift;
        my $t; $t = AnyEvent->timer(after => 1, cb => sub {
          undef $t;
          $respond->([200, [], ["hello world!"]]);
  • AnyEvent commented on Long-running requests with Progress Bar in Dancer / AnyEvent

    Firstly, you missed an end ")" in your code example.
    The most important thing is you don't even mention that your example code requires Twiggy to work. Same thing happens in your Dancer::Plugin::Progress document on CPAN.
    I did notice your previous post which mentioned how you glue the AnyEvent and Dancer after hours of investigation.
    Anyway, thank you for sharing the inspiration of "Progressing Bar".

  • AnyEvent commented on Long-running requests with Progress Bar in Dancer / AnyEvent

    Firstly, you missed an end ")" in your code example.
    The most important thing is you don't even mention that your example code requires Twiggy to work. Same thing happens in your Dancer::Plugin::Progress document on CPAN.
    I did notice your previous post which mentioned how you glue the AnyEvent and Dancer after hours of investigation.
    Anyway, thank you for sharing the inspiration of "Progressing Bar".

  • AnyEvent commented on Long-running requests with Progress Bar in Dancer / AnyEvent

    Firstly, you missed an end ")" in your code example.
    The most important thing is you don't even mention that your example code requires Twiggy to work. Same thing happens in your Dancer::Plugin::Progress document on CPAN.
    I did notice your previous post which mentioned how you glue the AnyEvent and Dancer after hours of investigation.
    Anyway, thank you for sharing the inspiration of "Progressing Bar".

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