- About: a sysadmin based in Oxford. provides a thin wrapper around coffee.
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Commented on Let Paths Be Paths Again
"Where, and how often, will blindly using a Unix path cause trouble?" Windows. it works *most* of the time. except sometimes it doesn't. and it probably won't be clear why. (i speak from horrible experience here, having lost a couple...
Commented on Perlbrew - Running init after install, automatically (wget option)
you can use the -O (capital oh, not zero) option to change where wget sends the file. so if you add -O- to your wget invocation, it'll send the code to stdout, and you can use the same pipeline as...
Comment Threads
John Chambers-Malewig commented on
Perlbrew - Running init after install, automatically (wget option)
Thanks, I'll edit the post to reflect that once I get it working. I've played around with options before but have never seen this construct before. I'll keep it in mind for the future.
About is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.