Caleb Cushing ( xenoterracide )
- Website: xenoterracide.com
Recent Actions
Commented on Method Privacy in Perl
when I say private methods, I mean java/c# style, perl private methods are actually more like protected, or subclass accessible, which doesn't violate Open Closed. in other words $self->_foo() is always ok, but you should never call $myref->_foo()...
Commented on Method Privacy in Perl
I think this obviously states a problem that perhaps needs to get propagated into perl 6 design, methods should /have/ to designate the desire to override, or otherwise result in a conflict (like 2 roles being imported do) I think...
Commented on How to Run a Single Test via Dist::Zilla
unless this is affected by generated code (or it's generated) you could just run `prove -lv t/my-test.t` no need to run dzil at all. I suspect nobuild means dzil build phase doesn't run which means code generation doesn't happen, but...
Commented on Modular, Decoupled, Best Practiced, Well Designed, Bullshit
This has to be balanced, and of course sometimes purism takes longer not because it takes longer, but because you haven't really grokked it yet (my last post on Dependency Injection and Providers shows this because it took me a...
Commented on The Problem With Perl Testing
I've tried Test::Class (and various similar) in all honesty they haven't worked for me (also perl is king of boilerplate ). I haven't noticed any improvement. I'm sure I could design the tests a bit better to improve there usage,...
Commented on When "unsafety" is a Good Thing
In Java types are mostly Object or Interface ... I think Perl 6 will eventually solve our problems. Basically this problem of type saftey is caused, IMO by lack of object usage. I cannot guarantee what is coming in is...
Commented on Mapping the MOP to Moose
I notice in your example you do do { ... $item_id ... }. No need to call $self then? and $item_id is lexically scoped to the object instance?...
Commented on Mapping the MOP to Moose
so "lazy" means, don't do this work until this value is requested (you know this but just for clarities sake). Also there are many ways to solve this particular example, I'm just thinking of yet another one. So let's say...
Commented on Mapping the MOP to Moose
lazy = $_->_fetch_data; that just seems weird to me.. what is $_ in this case? I find this api to be a little weird compared to say lazy => 'fetch_data', or lazy => &_fetch_data; submethod? is this going to be...
Commented on Keeping It Simple (... and not being stupid)
I wonder if the p6 people have a reason for /not/ doing it that way....
Commented on SSH Can Do That? Productivity Tips for Working with Remote Servers
you could add a brief (technically not ssh directly) usage of keychain, and potentially askpass to allow key authentication with pass-phrases to become easier. If you want....
Commented on Roles in p5-MOP
Abstract Classes have uses, leave them available, better yet make them a first class citizen and allow required but unfullfilled methods directly in classes. Abstract Classes are in the spirit of TIMTOWDI. I'm not saying Abstract Classes are usually the...
Commented on Making Perl more accessible
Oh... sadly repressing the fact they taught me Oracle....
Commented on Making Perl more accessible
I was actually taught Perl, MySQL, C++, VB, and Java. The only one of those that was expensive was Visual Studio for C++, and VB....
Commented on Converting to Dist::Zilla
@joel I like my take, which is basically, build branches... you can apply patches to that, just please don't try to modify files dzil generated (people seem to like doing that, I wish dzil added "generated" comments ). On the...
Commented on A funny thing happened on the way to the p5-mop...
I'm concerned that there's this constant goal of /must work without changes to the core/. Would this be easier if you made changes to the core? could those same changes be useful for other things if building this didn't pan...
Commented on Creating My Own Buzzword
DDD commonly means Domain Driven Design (and is short of the the title of that book). I used to do more Documentation Driven Design than I do now (I still write the docs) my problem became that although my API...
Commented on How many ways can I use thee, module?
Also someone should mention Module::Runtime and it's various methods, which Class::Load depends on....
Commented on How many ways can I use thee, module?
use Class::Load 0.20 qw( load_class ); my $obj = load_class('Foo::Bar')->new(...);...
Commented on How many ways can I use thee, module?
I use Class::Load 0.20 qw( load_class ); my $objload_class('Foo::Bar')->new(...); one of the benefits of Class::Load is that it checks if the library is already loaded before attempting to load again. My understanding is that other runtime methods will simply compile...
Commented on Stealing from Python
I think I would also like to be able to do if keys %hash in @array meaning if any key in in the hash matches an element of the array..., I currently find that hard to express, or at least...
Commented on Stealing from Python
I really like the idea of 'in' in all actuality I spent a day (not even known it was in another language) looking for 'in' because it makes so much damn sense (linguistically especially)....
Commented on Why do you want new major features in core?
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to make smartmatching disableable by pragma. also maybe it shouldn't have been use feature 'switch' but use feature 'smartmatching'....
Commented on What do we, Perl programmers, want?
More visible modern Perl apps are needed. E.G. Moose, Catalyst, Plack, etc are great, but I want to see something (FOSS) I can use built on them, that rivals our PHP/Ruby/Python alternatives....
Commented on What do we, Perl programmers, want?
(note: not being able to login with my blogger openid and basically being made to make an account here ... is making my ability to comment on this harder and thus less enjoyable )....
Commented on What do we, Perl programmers, want?
I want other people to stop making my work less enjoyable (I already enjoy my work) by making it harder....

Comment Threads
Sid Burn commented on
Method Privacy in Perl
Don't use inheritance. All problems solved.
xmikew commented on
Method Privacy in Perl
I got really caught off guard by:
They don't need to be documented. Rather, they need to be urinated on to mark your territory.
The post was heavy then I hit that line and had to laugh. Thanks, good way to start off the day
BillThom21 commented on
SSH Can Do That? Productivity Tips for Working with Remote Servers
I actually use WebDrive to do this, if anyone still happens to be looking for a reasonably-priced option. It is a bit less expensive than Expandrive (which I will admit I have never tried). But I've always had success with Webdrive and have been using it for years. www.webdrive.com
David Cantrell commented on
SSH Can Do That? Productivity Tips for Working with Remote Servers
For persistent connections I find it better to use the
token inControlPath
. It produces a shorter string, so will help get around some path length restrictions. Also, that really ought not to be a path in a world-readable place like/tmp
! -
Smylers commented on
SSH Can Do That? Productivity Tips for Working with Remote Servers
Both good ideas.
didn't exist when I wrote the above.On a laptop only used by me, I was using
(it avoids need to know your username to put in the config), but for shared computers it isn't a good idea.

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