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Commented on Mojolicious + Bootstrap = Awesome
Here’s a snippet to a helper that will render Bootstrap style (flash) notices:
Commented on Using system or exec safely on Windows
Have you considered merging your code with String::ShellQuote?...
Commented on GitHub-friendly README files with ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build
Initially I found browsing Perl projects on GitHub disappointing because they didn't display the module's doc like I hope more Perl authors that use GitHub take advantage of this feature. I do something similar with MakeMaker, except I generate...
Comment Threads
Michał Wojciechowski commented on
GitHub-friendly README files with ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build
@sshaw: I know that gist of yours, as I found it when I was first looking for a method to generate a README.pod file with MakeMaker -- so thanks for the inspiration :)
As for
, it's there to make the generated README.pod file go both into$(DISTVNAME)
and the current directory.
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