Adam Bellaire
- About: I lurk in blogs about Perl.
Recent Actions
Commented on Bead, ivory, off-white
Maybe the name is only a small part of the problem, but it's easily perceived as a low-hanging fruit. Your tongue-in-cheek narrative aside, it seems easier to change a name than to address the other parts of the perception problem....
Commented on Perl, Perl 5, Perl 6, and names
Palindromes portend positive (putative) possibilities: "Perlemacs, Camel Rep."...
Commented on Syntax police?
Did you include a patch? That can go a long way towards giving the giving the impression that you're invested in the process and trying to be helpful. The author may have assumed you just wandered across their synopsis page...
Commented on The coming bloated Perl apps?
Bemoaning the fact that Moose doesn't fit every single possible use of Perl is, to me, a non-criticism. Perl is not a one-size-fits-all language. Moose is marketed as "A* postmodern object system for Perl", and its stated goals are making...
Commented on The coming bloated Perl apps?
It's a valid point, but Moose and similar heavyweight OO systems are not geared towards quick command-line response time. And you found out yourself that there was a quick alternative for the file monitoring task. So, yes, if you're using...
Commented on Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
Cool! A bit short, but it does a nice job of introducing key concepts which are relevant to Perl without getting bogged down in language-agnostic details like bracing style and naming conventions....
Posted Email::MIME::Kit is cool! to Adam Bellaire
While looking into better, easier, more maintainable ways of doing email, I came across Email::MIME::Kit. It thought it was so spiffy I had to tell somebody!
Commented on Modern Perl: Are You A Dedicated Follower Of Fashion?
For one I don't work in an environment where 6 months effort will be tolerated when 2 months will fulfill requirements.Understood, everyone's situation is different. I happen to work in an environment where months of my time are spent maintaining,...
Commented on Modern Perl: Are You A Dedicated Follower Of Fashion?
Yeah, it's more difficult to write maintainable code, but it's worth the cost. Saying that writing maintainable code (intentionally) is too much of a burden to the programmer is ... incomprehensible. Maybe it's 3x harder, but the product is far...
Commented on Ease of bug reporting == caring for the project?
I think Gabor covered the issue pretty clearly in the post you linked: It's trivially true that if you don't care about your users you shouldn't release your software. The problematic part of the complaint he received is the assertion...
Commented on So is wantarray() bad or not?
Well, you have to be aware of context in either event. The only thing that confuses me about the first case is that it's superfluous: If you return a list from your method and your calling context expects a scalar,...
Commented on Centralized versus decentralized version control
From a so-called objective standpoint, there aren't any compelling reasons. However, there are a couple of things that could be considered compelling depending on your situation: Your team have mastered and are using centralized VC and are too busy to...
Commented on Is cpanminus the future?
Totally agree. One thing I'm not clear on, though, if cpanminus is the future, what is its future?brian d foy recently asked what a new CPAN client could do, saying that he and David Golden were beginning to seriously discuss...
Commented on Meme!
Hooray for navel gazing! =) 177 ls 149 vi 105 cd 97 perl 94 s 40 svn 37 fg 30 prove 26 ./Build 18 perldoc Yes, thats alias vi='vim', and "s" is a little script I use to save keystrokes...
Commented on A Standard Thought Process For Testing
I don't think, in general, that the principles and definitions put forth in Code Complete are worded for the lone programmer. I don't imagine that you'd have enough of an argument on your hands if, for purposes of testing, you...
Commented on Perl 5 is Dying: a Follow Up
The idea that if a language is "good enough" it will sell itself is perfectly correct, as long as you understand that the notion of "good" is actually highly complicated and subjective. Java was such a success because it gave...
Commented on Modules vs. Applications
The debate about whether most Perl programmers are sysadmins first, programmers second is really beside the point. What's relevant is the number of developers, in absolute terms, who are developing applications with Perl, and where are all of these applications...
Commented on Measuring the Progress of UI
Gotta love that jQuery meme. My advice is that you've got to figure out what the "core" operations are from your user's point of view. What are they going to be doing most often? Make the interface stupid simple for...
Commented on Gaming FAIL
s/(should be) capture/(should be) non-capture/ ;)...
Commented on Gaming FAIL
This regex is really not bad at all. The trick is the fact that it's generating a segfault, which is not terribly helpful when you're trying to spot the problem. No lookaheads/behinds, only basic character classes like word, digit, space,...
Comment Threads
- commented on
Bead, ivory, off-white
By "outsiders" do you mean "people who haven't used Perl 5" and possibly "people who aren't programmers"? I hadn't considered that perspective.
I've approached this by thinking that anyone who's used Perl 5 much should have noticed several flaws, but for whatever silly reason I'd overlooked what you just made me realize.
Aristotle commented on
Bead, ivory, off-white
Those are indeed the people I mean.
Those who have rejected Perl based on actual experience are very few these days.
Leanan commented on
Bead, ivory, off-white
I've actually come across people at various jobs where the version of perl they are using is so ancient (and more or less locked in) that they've a negative view as well -- they see Ruby, they see Python, and then they see OLD Perl. And they say "Screw Perl, I'm just gonna move to Ruby/Python/Whatever".
It's sad, really.
initself commented on
Perl, Perl 5, Perl 6, and names
If I wrote a song and thought it was great and then proceeded to play it for everyone I knew and not one person enjoyed the song, would I still think it was a great song?
- commented on
Centralized versus decentralized version control
Sorry, I know it's a year old, but that last comment was just so silly that I had to say something.
Locking files or branches is not a feature of centralization. You can enforce such restrictions on a given repository without being "unique", and there exist such tools for Git et al. While everyone still has complete dominion over their own fork of the code and are free to obey or disobey these rule as they choose, the maintainer retains the right to reject commits that break them.
However, none of that should even be relevant to your issue with PNG files. Conflict resoluti…
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