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Commented on Marpa v. Perl regexes: a rematch
Could you increase spacing in first table? It is unreadable in current version. Thanks....
Commented on Partial parsing and error reporting
I think that it is because of 'map' signature that Perl parser prefers code block interpretation over hashref interpretation....
Commented on The useful, the playful, the easy, the hard and the beautiful
Very nice! BTW. the reference on MarpaX::Simple::Rules to MarpaX::Simple::Lexer doesn't work......
Commented on Perl vs Shell Scripts
You can always use parseopt from git for shell... if it were a separate library....
Commented on Marpa v. Parse::RecDescent: some numbers
How would benchmark look like if you used pure Perl version of Marpa parser (Marpa::PP)? Or is PP version left behind? It would be nice to see plot of Marpa and Parse::RecDescent performance in loglog scale to check if they...
Commented on Parse::RecDescent and number of elements read on the fly
I wonder if using Marpa as parser instead of Parse::RecDescent would make it easier......
Commented on How not to use Moose
There are various "Moose lite" here: Mouse, Moo, etc. depending on what subset of Moose is really required. BTW. roles are awesome!...
Comment Threads
Jeffrey Kegler commented on
Marpa v. Perl regexes: a rematch
@Gregory: Yes. By design and intention, Libmarpa can be run on a system without Perl. However, Libmarpa's test suite requires Perl 5.10. And you don't want to try to use an untested Libmarpa.
If you want to know more, it's best to ask on the Marpa mailing list: marpa-parser@googlegroups.com There, other Marpa experts can…
Dinesh Sehra commented on
Perl vs Shell Scripts
Awesome write up and comparison. Now I am clear to what extent I need to put my efforts in learning perl, and when I should attemp writing a script in perl.
Thanks Buddy.
Olivier Mengué (dolmen) commented on
Perl vs Shell Scripts
About "Processing Job Output Lines":
run some command | while read line do process each "$line" done
mug896 commented on
Perl vs Shell Scripts
In bash you cant set IFS=$'\n' instead of IFS="
" -
Flavio Poletti commented on
Parse::RecDescent and number of elements read on the fly
@Jeffrey too bad that posts in group discussions get deleted eventually. Did you copy your full considerations somewhere else?
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