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Commented on On the relative readability of Perl and Python
I agree to most of what you’re saying, however to me this Python construct is much easier to understand than your Perl equivalent using grep and map: values = [ item.value for item in list if item.value > 4 and...
Commented on Failed compilations can be partially successful
I like that you can tell Test::Most to die on fail, but don't like that it will still run the subsequent test. See this pseudo-code where the "run" function dies on all errors: lives_ok { run("mount server:/abc /mnt/abc") "Mounting"; lives_ok...
Commented on Failed compilations can be partially successful
I like that you can tell Test::Most to die on fail, but don't like that it will still run the subsequent test. See this pseudo-code where the "run" function dies on all errors: lives_ok { run("mount server:/abc /mnt/abc") "Mounting"; lives_ok...
Commented on Perl TV
@Gabor: Maybe make it like this blog where you can browse through pages ordered by the date the videos were added. The "All" link could still be there to see a simple list of all the videos....
Commented on Perl TV
Nice idea. I just find it a bit weird that the start page only shows a single video and links to 2 others and I first have to click the small "All" link on the right to see all the...
Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: FIGHT!
I'm one of those Perl developers who recently switched over to Python. And I have to say that I'm a bit sad about it and am currently considering a position in a company that uses Perl. However, I will only...
Commented on Perl 7 - Final Thoughts
I don't think renaming Perl 5 to Perl5 would change anything at all. Do you really believe people would suddenly see Perl in a different light just because one white space was removed? I like the idea of changing the...
Commented on Tapper release "Columbo"
Sounds interesting. I recently posted a question about a resource manager / job queue at Perlmonks and I now wonder if Tapper can support some of these requirements. I'm going through the Tapper docs right now, but I'd also highly...

Comment Threads
QM commented on
On the relative readability of Perl and Python
In several places above there is still a small typo: != ‘bob’ should be ne ‘bob’.
Nathan Grigg commented on
On the relative readability of Perl and Python
You can always do
if test: i += 1
, no newline required. This is about the same as the Perl example.For list comprehensions, nothing is preventing you from using line breaks to make things more readable:
values = [x.value for x in list if x.value > 4 and x.name != 'bob']
Joel Berger commented on
On the relative readability of Perl and Python
No, the example had a print (well say) in it too, including that it must be three lines, but again that’s just a nit
Manuel Ceron commented on
On the relative readability of Perl and Python
I’m a Python developer but I started coding Perl full time since a little bit more than a year. It’s true that Python has many quirks. That happens with any language that is more than 20 years old. But I think Perl probably has more quirks than Python.
I think one reason why people think that Python is more readable is because it’s simpler. Both syntax and semantics are simpler. Less operators, less constructs, less ways of doing things. In practice this means that you can understand any Python code after an afternoon. While the same thing for Perl takes years.
… -
jjolla888 commented on
On the relative readability of Perl and Python
All languages suck. I have only come across one syntax that I mostly like (unfortunately you cant do much with that particular one).
So Perl v Python arguments centered around syntax are somewhat irrelevant. You will find godawful things in both of them.
For me, the only things that matter are:
(i) lots of powerful libraries (ii) good documentation (iii) helpful communities (iv) speed [for some things]
My main toolkit is made up of Perl, Python, Go, and C.
Perl nails (i), (ii), and (iii). It is the super-glue that allows me to write small prog…

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